Discussion Which Nintendo franchise are you not much into?

Idk probably Yoshi or Kirby, that said Air Ride and Forgotten Land are really good. Pokemon is also a love/hate relationship lol.
that makes me curious what nintendo online game you DO like haha
I mean, I'm not big into Smash Bros but at least I could play it offline if I was. Still lacking in playable online is a big reason to stay away, but it doesn't completely tank it. Same goes for most of their other mp games.

Splatoon you basically have to play online to get a reasonable amount out of it it, so it having the barely operable netcode killed the entire franchise for me despite it being pretty up my alley :<
the thing with modern fire emblem is there's still a ton of a medieval fantasy stories, but games with pairing and dating, which are extremely popular with women, are more rare.
And it’s a good thing for them that they went that direction since it made them way more successful.
Honestly, I tend to try out most first party releases and have had very few instances of outright disliking any games. Each have a certain value proposition I can appreciate in some way. Maybe I’m too lax on my critiques, and while I can be very critical of individual entries, I can’t think of a series I’ve just decided are not for me and have written out any future entries for.
If I had to pick:
  • Kirby
  • Smash Bros
  • 2D Mario
  • Mario Sports Titles
  • Paper Mario (Recent titles)
Pokémon is kind of on the list, but could easily become a favorite if given the time and attention it needs. I loved the early games, and I think Pokémon art and music is a real joy.
Stuff I'm not much into:

Animal Crossing
Fire Emblem
Advanced Wars
Sports Games
Clubhouse Game
Wario Mini Game stuff

So basically like half of Nintendo's franchises really aren't for me and about half of them I love. Unfortunately most of the franchises I actually love are barely getting new entries lately. :(

Stuff I love:

Mario (2D & 3D)
Donkey Kong
Star Fox
Metroid (2D & 3D)
Pilot Wings
Xenoblade Chronicles
Golden Sun
Paper Mario
Mario & Luigi
Wario Land
Pokemon (though the 3D entries leave more to be desired)

A few others are great too that I'm not thinking of. I want some more Mario games and Zelda games really. Would love to see stuff:

Zelda: Twilight Princess
Zelda: Wind Waker
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks
Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS HD Port
Zelda: Majora's Mask 3DS HD Port
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Paper Mario: A Thousand Year Door
Paper Mario: Color Splash
Star Fox Zero
Star Fox Assault
Star Fox Adventures
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Yoshi's Wooly World
Wario Land: Shake It

and so many more classics be brought over. Anyways just a wish list. :)
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First is Pokémon. I do actually like Pokémon's designs, but when it comes to playing the mainline games, the series never grabbed me, which is a bit odd seeing how RPGs are probably the bread and butter of my library and I enjoy the SMT series which shares some elements with Pokémon, but the main series never clicked with me. I've mostly stuck to spin-offs like Pokémon Ranger and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, but chances of me picking up a normal Pokémon game are next to nil.

Up next is Animal Crossing. I tried New Leaf on the 3DS (I think I got it for free even?) but I just never developed the same sense of love for it that I have for other "life sim" games like Story of Seasons. I think a lot of it is in how I play games where often I want to sink multiple hours at a time into them, so AC's short burst approach didn't ever really work for me.

Also, there are Super Mario, Yoshi, Kirby and Donkey Kong. Simply put, platformers have never been much of my genre - there are some that I like, but these usually fall into the subcategories of "Platform RPG" or "Search Action" (aka "Metroidvania") - so these series are games that maybe I'm willing to pick up if I want to play something other than an RPG or an action game for a spell, but they're not games I get hyped about unless they try to focus more on exploration and puzzle solving in their approach (which is why I still want to try Kirby and The Forgotten Land and why I adore Super Mario Odyssey and why I'm a lot more forgiving towards DK64 than the rest of the world).

And finally, I'm not super big on the major multiplayer-oriented games like Super Smash Bros., Splatoon, Mario Party and Mario Kart. Sure, they do have single player modes and in some of these cases, I really do like that... but they're just way too low on my priority nowadays to care about them and buying a multiplayer-oriented title just to play a short single-player mode isn't really my thing.

  1. The Legend of Zelda
  2. Xenoblade Chronicles
  3. Metroid
  4. Bayonetta
  5. Fire Emblem
Pokemon, Mario sports games, Splatoon, Donkey Kong, Smash, Metroid, Mario Kart, Star Fox, most Mario games except Odyssey, most Zelda games except Breath of the wild.

But I love

Ring For Adventure
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun
Animal Crossing (but it was best for gamecube)
Kirby and pikmin, because I have no soul.
Also fire emblem cause I'm not into srpg stuff.
2023 is not my year lol.
I find it a difficult question to answer. As I have own most of the first party games that came out on the Nintendo Switch. Franchises like Fire Emblem, Xenoblade are pretty much no brainers for me to buy right away.

Games like Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Mario are games I most of time wouldn't buy right away. But I am playing Splatoon 3 now to see if I like it (as I wasn't a huge fan of Splatoon 2) and Animal Crossing I played an insane amount during lockdowns. Mario Odyssey I didn't buy untill a year after it released and Mario Maker I returned as I didn't play it at all. That said, I did enjoy Odyssey a lot but those aren't games I would buy day one. Unless they have a cool steelbook or Collectors Edition :p

Another franchise I never really played is Pikmin. That said, I may actually try Pikmin 3 Deluxe and/or get Pikmin 4 to get in to the franchise. But most of the time I couldn't get trough it.

I’m not really sure why the Golden Sun games have such a devoted fan base with how mid the games are.
Golden Sun at the time was great. Comparing it to RPGs now it is a much different scenario. Text wise the games are very bloated, gameplay wise I think they are amazing especially how the Djinn and Summons really make you think during fights. Furthermore, the music and visuals and lore of the series was really good :). I really hope we can get a modernized Golden Sun asap ^^
Animal Crossing is paying to do cartoon chores imo
Smash also has v limited appeal
Nintendo franchises in general just agree with me, but if I had to name three…

Animal Crossing

I have never been into sim/housing/chill or what the genre is, so AC is wasted on me. I absolutely get why people adore the franchise, but it’s not what I want from a videogame.

Star Fox

In my less adult years I would jokingly call it “Star Wars for furries”, but that’s something which could be considered mean. In the end it just did not click with me and even a game like 64 is just not for me.

Golden Sun

I love RPG’s, but I never understood the adoration for the Golden Sun games. I mean, the original is a very adequate game in the genre, but it never is truly special. The second game was pretty tame and Dark Dawn…. well it exists.
Splatoon, enjoyed the first one, by the second one I've had my fill for a lifetime.

Fire Emblem, bought Three Houses and couldn't get into it, but I still need to give this a fair chance.

And the Mario sport spinoffs these days aren't particularly interesting.
There isn’t really any Nintendo series I’m not into… but I will say that Splatoon 2 & 3 didn’t catch much of my interest because they’re just too similar to the first game. And as much as I enjoyed the first game? I’ve had my fill.

For all of the series spiel about Staying Fresh, it’s remarkably stale.
most nintendo franchises are pretty cool so idk

i guess something like dillons rolling western never clicked?
Star fox
Mario golf
Animal crossing
Wario land
Wave race

All this series never really grabbed me, especially f-zero and star fox even if I tried multiple times to play them and understand why are they so beloved
Splatoon and Animal Crossing are the only two major ones I don't play - not huge into the online shooter genre in Splatoon's case, and Animal Crossing just doesn't appeal to me on any level.

If we're talking about smaller franchises I guess I'm not really into the Yoshi or Warioware games (though Yoshi's Island is great, and Warioware is still a fun time in multiplayer).

Outside of that I think I have at least one major game from each franchise that I like so it's hard for me to list anything else really.
Star Fox
Donkey Kong
Animal Crossing
Every Paper Mario after Thousand Year Door
Luigi's Mansion
The Mario sports games
2D Mario

I am the anti Arlo.
Disappointingly many. Some because I don't have people to play with, but I'm not sure they count since I'd still play them.
There are some I've never really played, like F-ZERO and Starfox, but most I'm specifically not into are just "too anime". Xenoblade lost me after 1 by being needlessly horny in 2 and needlessly wordy in 3, and I never cared much for Fire Emblem. Looking at its design, not sure I wanna start with it.
Animal Crossing is the big one for me, although I'm not fan of 'Sim' games like that in general, so it's just personal taste really.

The series I feel I should like, given my love of strategy games, but instead struggle with, is Pikmin. Something about that series doesn't click with me. I think it's mostly the enforced time limit, I just really don't enjoy having such a short period of time to get everything done. Also I dislike the boss battles, feels like it's just trial and error with you losing countless Pikmin until you get it right, which I don't find massively fun.
I didn’t like Street Pass.

Splatoon . at this point after 2 and 3 I see it as a kinda cool gimmicky franshise similar to the countless gimmicky games indie developers come up with . difference is Nintendo can milk it
Fire Emblem. Only played Awakening but I hated it, there was not a single aspect of the game I liked, gameplay, story, characters, music, was all mid to terrible. And I like other SRPGs, love the FFTA games and AW is one of my favorite franchises ever. FE just failed at grabbing me in any way.

I like Animal Crossing well enough while it still has new content to unlock. Once I've unlocked every building and seen the credits, I just can't find reason to keep playing for hundreds of hours more. It's crazy to me how people like to do the same things and read the same lines of dialogue day after day, but to each their own.
Would love to see stuff:

Zelda: Twilight Princess
Zelda: Wind Waker
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks
Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS HD Port
Zelda: Majora's Mask 3DS HD Port
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Paper Mario: A Thousand Year Door
Paper Mario: Color Splash
Star Fox Zero
Star Fox Assault
Star Fox Adventures
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Yoshi's Wooly World
Wario Land: Shake It

and so many more classics be brought over. Anyways just a wish list. :)
This guy knows what's up!
Xenoblade chronicles (I have tried them all and the only one I have ever completed is 2+Torna)
Pikmin (I don't like having to deal with a time limit, and I am aware that later games got rid of it)
Fire Emblem (I play them whenever there is a new release, but none of them have grabbed me like Echoes: SoV, Sacred Stones and Awakening)
Punch Out
Think there are only 2, and even then, they are ones I could someday be into again.

Fire Emblem. Path of Radiance is a top 20 game of all time for me, really like Radiant Dawn, Sacred Stones, love Blazing Blade, starting with Awakening I wasn't as enthusiastic, rather boring and forgettable story, and making the strategy gameplay a lot worse for no good reason, still played Fates, loved Conquest, Revelation was interesting, Birthright was Awakening 2, didn't like Echoes, and now I have skipped both Three Houses and Engage because they don't look at all appealing to me, there is still a part of me that hopes that the next entry looks like something I want to play, but is something that right now I'm definitely not into. I'll probably play Three Hopes at some point but that is more so because I like Musou gameplay and not so much for FE.

Xenoblade Chronicles. Really like the first game, love X, then 2 kind of killed it for me, and 3 doesn't look that much better, don't even want to play it.
Pokemon, Animal Crossing, all the Musou cross overs, all the Mario Sports games, Xenoblade, and I haven't been into fire Emblem since it became very anime.
I like pretty much every Nintendo IP. I feel fortunate after reading some of the posts here - some of y’all have such specific tastes that it must be so hard to find stuff up your alley! For me, the Switch gen in particular has made me try a lot of franchises for the first time and I haven’t really been disappointed yet - bonus is I’ve
found new loves and appreciation for genres I’ve never touched before like strategy games (Mario + Rabbids and FE).

If I had to pick - as someone who had not seen any of the Star Wars movies until the pandemic where I binged them all, there’s not a lot for me there when it comes to Star Fox. I’m not super interested in space games in general and the short-but-replayable arcade style of gameplay doesn’t seem like would be fun for me. Who knows though, I’ve never actually given one a real shot (except for one of the “bad” ones on handheld) so I could end up liking it. I also don’t think F-Zero jives with me too much, I prefer a kart-style racer much more since I like what items do to keep races interesting.

I guess I’m fortunate that the two Nintendo series I don’t jive with are ones that are dormant franchises (although I do hope they get sequels for all the fans out there that love them)!
The big one for me is Smash Bros. I can appreciate it from afar but like…way afar. I’ve bought every Smash game around launch over the years, thinking I would get into it, and always just hate my time with it lol. I also haven’t really had a group to play games with since I was a kid, so it was a largely single player affair for me and I can of course see that affecting things
F-Zero, Metroid, Star Fox, 2D Mario.

All of the clamoring for these older IP to return at the expense of stuff I'm more into (Xenoblade and Fire Emblem) last Summer was super annoying.

I started home console gaming with the Gamecube so some of these franchises seem a little on the "I missed the boat" side of things.
Just Pokemon really, the games are just too slow, easy, ugly, and janky at this point.

This time last year I would've also said Xenoblade and Fire Emblem, but then I really liked Xenoblade 3 (and I think Xenoblade 2 is one of the most miserably designed JRPGs ever). That inspired me to give FE another shot with the upcoming Engage (so it could still get back on my shit list in a couple weeks).
I don't care for Xenoblade, Arms, or Fire Emblem, much, although I put about 30 hours into Three Houses (played through the first half of the game twice, before losing interest as soon as the time jump happened, both times).
What was underwhelming about Pikmin 3 Deluxe? (serious question)
I thought the resolution and framerate were a disappointment compared to other Wii U ports. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is still the gold standard there, went from 720p60 to 1080p60 docked and a native 720p60 handheld. Pikmin was only 720p docked and subnative handheld so it came across as technically unambitious, to me, based on the visuals it offered.

I know that they added other stuff, so maybe it's not fair to call it low effort, but I wish they had balanced that effort with a bit more into the technical side of things as that's one of the key appeals of re-releases / remasters imo.
I thought the resolution and framerate were a disappointment compared to other Wii U ports. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is still the gold standard there, went from 720p60 to 1080p60 docked and a native 720p60 handheld. Pikmin was only 720p docked and subnative handheld so it came across as technically unambitious, to me, based on the visuals it offered.

I know that they added other stuff, so maybe it's not fair to call it low effort, but I wish they had balanced that effort with a bit more into the technical side of things as that's one of the key appeals of re-releases / remasters imo.

Hyrule Warriors DE is an even bigger upgrade than MK8DX was. It went from 720p/30FPS all the way up to 1080p/60FPS!

Big difference here is that Pikmin 3 DX was outsourced to Eighting, rather than being made by Nintendo EPD themselves. It really shows in the technical performance, which is supremely disappointing compared to other Wii U ports.

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