The movie tells the story of two Brooklyn plumbers who are brothers and best friends: Mario, the brave one with the "let's-a-go" attitude, and the perpetually anxious Luigi, who would prefer to go nowhere.
We open with the Super Mario Brothers reckoning with their struggling plumbing business, and wind up in a whirlwind adventure through the Mushroom Kingdom. Through their journey, we meet a cast of familiar, loveable characters, ultimately uniting together to defeat the power-hungry villain, Bowser.
Mario is a little guy from Brooklyn with big dreams. He's the classic "big brother" brimming with charm and confidence.
Mario's devoted, but anxious, little brother and business partner. Where Mario is calm and confident, Luigi is...not.
Princess Peach
Not your typical princess, Peach is the charismatic, capable, confident leader of the Mushroom Kingdom and the sworn protector of the toads.
Toad is an adorable, cheerful, and perpetually snarky citizen of the Mushroom Kingdom who is desperate to go on his first adventure.
Obsessed with Princess Peach and gaining power, Bowser is King of the Koopa's and the film's crooning chanteuse-villain.