official description says it has 15 games, which honestly feels like just scratching the surface in terms of historically notable titles.
More than 15 playable classic games from the series' history are featured, including many being released for the first time outside Japan.
the Nintendo titles (Game Boy and NES) are unfortunately out of the question despite the GB port obviously being
the most well-known version worldwide, though they're at the very least on NSO.
SEGA's stuff, with their Arcade version likely being the most famous version in Japan. miraculously managed to get a
PS2 collection with a similar level of quality as this. even including the
extremely rare Mega Drive port that was hastily pulled after Nintendo got exclusivity rights.
and there's a ton of spin-offs beyond Hatris they could add, with the most wild example being the Game Boy port of Wordtris. as it's developer went on to become PRESIDENT OF ARMENIA
from what i can tell. the current line-up seems to entirely focus on titles developed by Bullet Proof Software. which is the team that would
eventually evolve into the modern-day Tetris Company.