News Tetris Forever Announcement Trailer

This is an awesome announcement. Lots of cool versions of the game on here and a documentary to go along with it. Then to top it off with the nes version of tetris and a 40th anniversary for tetris 99 later this winter. What a great way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the series.
This is an awesome announcement. Lots of cool versions of the game on here and a documentary to go along with it. Then to top it off with the nes version of tetris and a 40th anniversary for tetris 99 later this winter. What a great way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the series.
Seeing NES Tetris is coming to NSO later this year put a big smile on my face. It's my favorite version and I've been wanting it on NSO since the beginning.
Are you kidding me, MORE Tetris!? Everyone complains/memes about the farming games, but there is an incredibly excessive amount of Tetris games on Switch

...and I am here for it. Day one!
Ah Bombliss the best variation on Tetris ever created, a shame that basically they stopped doing, this reminds there is any modern puzzle game similar to it?
This is nice, but would be nicer if it included Tetrisphere.

Yes, I know the game started out as "Phere" and Tetris and the mascot robots were tacked on, but the music man...
the official description says it has 15 games, which honestly feels like just scratching the surface in terms of historically notable titles.
More than 15 playable classic games from the series' history are featured, including many being released for the first time outside Japan.
the Nintendo titles (Game Boy and NES) are unfortunately out of the question despite the GB port obviously being the most well-known version worldwide, though they're at the very least on NSO.

SEGA's stuff, with their Arcade version likely being the most famous version in Japan. miraculously managed to get a PS2 collection with a similar level of quality as this. even including the extremely rare Mega Drive port that was hastily pulled after Nintendo got exclusivity rights.

and there's a ton of spin-offs beyond Hatris they could add, with the most wild example being the Game Boy port of Wordtris. as it's developer went on to become PRESIDENT OF ARMENIA (really).

from what i can tell. the current line-up seems to entirely focus on titles developed by Bullet Proof Software. which is the team that would eventually evolve into the modern-day Tetris Company.
It'll be great to be back at Bombliss! My only experience with the game was Tetris Blast Game Boy release. Long since I traded the game away and been waiting for its return. Cannot be a better way.

Full List of the Included Titles

  • Tetris – Originally released by Pajitnov in 1984 on the Electronika 60
  • Tetris (48K Version) – Originally released by Spectrum Holobyte in 1988 on the Apple II
  • Tetris – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1988 on the Famicom
  • Hatris – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1990 on the Famicom
  • Tetris 2 + Bombliss – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1990 on the Famicom
  • Hatris – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1992 on the NES
  • Hatris – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1991 on the Game Boy
  • Super Bombliss – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1995 on the Game Boy
  • Super Bombliss DX – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1998 on the Game Boy
  • Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1992 on the Super Famicom
  • Tetris Battle Gaiden – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1993 on the Super Famicom
  • Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss Genteiban – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1993 on the Super Famicom
  • Super Tetris 3 – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1994 on the Super Famicom
  • Super Bombliss – Originally released by Bullet-Proof Software in 1995 on the Super Famicom

Tetris Forever also features a brand-new game, Tetris Time Warp, developed by Digital Eclipse. This new take on the classic lets players “warp” through different eras of Tetris, experiencing a dynamic mix of graphics, playstyles, and mechanics in real-time. Additional titles may be added on or after release date.

Key Features

  • The Game that Started It All – Digital Eclipse has prepared an authentic recreation of the first version of Tetris, which Alexey Pajitnov created on a Soviet “Electronika 60” computer system. Experience the look and feel of Tetris as Alexey envisioned it in 1984.
  • Interactive Timeline – Explore a virtual museum with archival materials, including video featurettes, photos, original ads, and playable games restored in high-definition and presented chronologically.
  • The True Story of Tetris – With over 90 minutes of all-new documentary featurettes produced by Area 5—creators of Outerlands, Grounded: The Making of The Last of Us, and Grounded II: Making The Last of Us Part II—unravel the true story of Tetris in its purest form.
  • An All-New Tetris GameTetris Time Warp, an all-new Tetris variant by Digital Eclipse, will have up to four players warping between different eras of Tetris in real time to experience a variety of memorable graphic styles and play mechanics!

Open up physical pre-orders!!!
the game list is generally lacking, unfortunately.
i was expecting more of the unique spin-offs beyond Bombliss and Hatris. some of them are definitely tied to the whole Nintendo/SEGA licensing issues (Tetrisphere is a Nintendo game even though it began development on the Atari Jaguar of all things, while SEGA made Flash Point and Bloxeed as a result of their arcade versions popularity.)

but the fact they somehow managed to include one of the Spectrum Holobyte titles should have opened the door for their own spin-offs being on the table. like Wordtris and Welltris.

i also think the 1986 AcademySoft DOS version would have been a better fit than the Apple II release, as it was the first port of the game ever created. programmed by a 16-year-old who met Alexey before the Electronika 60 version was even finished.
the game list is generally lacking, unfortunately.
i was expecting more of the unique spin-offs beyond Bombliss and Hatris. some of them are definitely tied to the whole Nintendo/SEGA licensing issues (Tetrisphere is a Nintendo game even though it began development on the Atari Jaguar of all things, while SEGA made Flash Point and Bloxeed as a result of their arcade versions popularity.)

but the fact they somehow managed to include one of the Spectrum Holobyte titles should have opened the door for their own spin-offs being on the table. like Wordtris and Welltris.

i also think the 1986 AcademySoft DOS version would have been a better fit than the Apple II release, as it was the first port of the game ever created. programmed by a 16-year-old who met Alexey before the Electronika 60 version was even finished.
The lack of Plus 1/2 really bugs me, Jaleco isn’t that hard to work with they even have games on NSO
they managed to add the 1986 AcademySoft version of the game at the very last minute, alongside another copy of the Spectrum Holobyte release (on DOS)
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so that's one major exclusion resolved.
they managed to add the 1986 AcademySoft version of the game at the very last minute, alongside another copy of the Spectrum Holobyte release (on DOS)
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so that's one major exclusion resolved.
Still bummed we’re missing out on mid/late 90’s variants like Tetris plus tho
I love their new modern tetris version, looks really nice, only thing that disturbs me a bit is the white glow or shine effect when harddropped, looks like the same effect happens when softdropped, hope we can deactivate it, along with the shadows from already planted tetraminos.
Downloading this morning before heading to work. Anyone played yet? Impressions?
I went through all the documentary stuff earlier this week, it's all pretty good! Alexey Pajitnov is very charming to listen to, and Henk Rogers is pretty charismatic too.

As for the games, I played a tiny bit of all of them, but Tetris Time Warp is where it's at. Very fun game.
I went through all the documentary stuff earlier this week, it's all pretty good! Alexey Pajitnov is very charming to listen to, and Henk Rogers is pretty charismatic too.

As for the games, I played a tiny bit of all of them, but Tetris Time Warp is where it's at. Very fun game.
Very nice!
My son asked for this for Christmas… no physical version, correct?
I believe it's digital only.
Got to play some over the weekend. Nice collection here! Tetris 2 + BomBliss on Famicom is an absolute blast(pun intended).
New update out today
  • Adds the never-been-rereleased Welltris, Pajitnov's attempt at a "3D" take on Tetris on MS-DOS
  • All 4 players can now remap their controls in Time Warp
  • remappable controls now available for MS-DOS, Electronika 60, and Apple II games
  • fixed an audio stuttering issue that affected some games on Switch (apparently caused by the Rewind feature, which is now disabled in certain games; they're looking into restoring it in a later update)
Plans for 2025
  • new features and game modes for Time Warp planned for early next year
  • continuing to explore possibility of adding more games
  • looking to fix an issue with saved game functionality across classic games (expected to be ready in early January)
Nice! More games to flesh out the collection so it consists of more than mostly Bombliss titles is much appreciated.

Glad to see they're specifically looking to fix weird save corruptions in some of the emulated games; I think I called it out in my "review" (of sorts, in the Completed Games Thread) but it's one of the most strange issues that I encountered which really put me off trying some of the games (particularly any of the puzzle modes in the various Bombliss games) for longer periods of time.
The Tengen version of NES Tetris gets added to the game, with the caveat that the Switch version will require a photo in the corner of Howard Lincoln flipping the game the finger every time you play it.
I don't think Tengen Tetris will ever see the light of day for making the official NES variants look bad.

FWIW, FC Tetris 2+ Bombliss is easily better than the other 8 bit tetris games, imo
notably, they actually kept the "DRM" included in Welltris. rather than using a cracked copy.

(i'm pretty sure scans of the original manual are also bundled in regardless.)

Yeah i noticed this aspect; pretty neat! I barely have incentive to play the dos games though, no save states = no high score saving so thus I dont feel the need. Interesting curio though
I mean, it's one thing for sequels to do that, but a side-by-side, unofficial version is another thing.

eeeeehhh sorta kindaaaa? T2 + Bombbliss is moreso a sequel to JP BPS Tetris than Nintendo's own since Nintendo made that one, but BPS did make the GB Tetris which is still pretty good too; Tengen's version is decent imo and i like it in arcades but I always felt the NES ver only really had the two player going for it. Shame even the arcade version would be off limits even if warner did play along though (Alexey openly dislikes that version iirc)

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