StarTopic Splatoon 3 |ST| The Mammal with the Three Golden Eggs

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Somehow Splatoon 3 feels more like a sequel to Splatoon 1 than to Splatoon 2.

They've brought back a couple songs from 1 that were absent in 2, the campaign feels like it's both playing on gameplay concepts of the original and evolving them rather than the retread 2 did, and the general mood feels sort of... more of a callback to 1 than 2. It's weird to explain.

It's absolutely not bad at all, mind you. Just, weird.
Been playing multiplayer and got to Rank A so far. Grinding is much more forgiving but getting a Rank up? It's stressful lol.

However, I just found out that every 3 months, your rank drops down by 2 or 3? That kinda makes me want to stop playing ranked tbh.
Been playing multiplayer and got to Rank A so far. Grinding is much more forgiving but getting a Rank up? It's stressful lol.

However, I just found out that every 3 months, your rank drops down by 2 or 3? That kinda makes me want to stop playing ranked tbh.
It's not a huge deal, since it's basically just a letter and the matchmaking is done with a hidden power based on your skill level instead, and also you can't derank normally. It's mostly just to make sure people don't stay in ranks they shouldn't be in (and to keep them out of X battles when that releases)
Is this game an absolute battery hog for anyone else? Doesn't keep charge too long even on the OLED.
People playing reeflux with special charge are so boring. Go play Splatoon 2 if you wanna spam missiles so bad.
It's a special that doesn't benefit from holding on to it and a weapon that turfs well, it's not my fault that's the only kit it has. I'm experimenting with it because I like the main weapon, but I'm not gonna ignore what synergizes with it.

(But I also only run one main of SCU with it and whatever subs happen to roll while grinding gear, so I don't think I'm what you're complaining about lol)

It's not a huge deal, since it's basically just a letter and the matchmaking is done with a hidden power based on your skill level instead,
Has datamining figured out what's actually going on under the hood? Ignoring rank is contrary to official statements, though I am aware you can see S+ players as early as A.

Why is this person flying?
I believe* replays work by saving game state periodically and inputs every frame; when you play it back it loads the nearest game state, plays out the inputs until the next full state, then corrects for any errors. Something seems to have desynced pretty badly here, though I've never seen that before.

*If this isn't accurate, it's still close.
I'm sorry but the Cohozuna rewards are unacceptably terrible. Like I'm in Eggsecutive VP and you're gonna give me 9 bronze scales, 0 silver, and 0 golden? What is the incentive to compete in this wave when the rewards are so abysmal at the highest level.
I'm sorry but the Cohozuna rewards are unacceptably terrible. Like I'm in Eggsecutive VP and you're gonna give me 9 bronze scales, 0 silver, and 0 golden? What is the incentive to compete in this wave when the rewards are so abysmal at the highest level.
Did you beat him? I lost to him (also in Eggsecutive VIP) and got 6 bronze scales
I wonder if the'll add another type of King Salmonid at some point.
I am SO excited to see what the Big Scale DLC will be about. I predict it will take the Single Player into a very different style and direction.
Also also
I really want a Splatoon 2D MetroidVania, please give us a spinoff sometime XD
Did you beat him? I lost to him (also in Eggsecutive VIP) and got 6 bronze scales
Only beat Cohozuna one time in VP. It doesn't seem like winning makes a huge difference on the rewards, which are very random. That's part of the problem. It's not like people are demanding they can redeem all of the rewards immediately, but the progress is just absurdly slow right now. No one is gonna be happy with rewards that takes years of daily play to earn.
If you haven't used your specials in any of the first 3 waves do you have 3 when Cohozuna arrives?
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They implied that when they said "Cohozuna is one of the new King Salmonoids"
Yeah, that is why I am hopeful they will indeed add more c: So let's hoooope
Also, after Splatoon 3 was revealed, I thought that, with the focus on Lil Buddy, they'd reveal Salmolings or something. A third species along the Squid and Octopus. I guess it would not fit at all with the Squid/Octopus/Cuttlefish theme. But it would be neat
I've been playing for over 10 hours the past week and this morning is the first time I found the locker room.
It's not obvious at all. Glad it's not really important.
Finished the campaign today. Wild shit. It really does feel like Mario Galaxy's development mentality; keep throwing new ideas at the player and let the base mechanics speak for themselves.

It also cemented Splatoon's mechanics as some of the best Nintendo has ever made. Zipcaster is a GOAT mechanic and I hope on some level the Zelda team is paying attention.
anecdotally at low level play it's a big factor. it may not win matches but not doing it has very clearly lost them

And since we're talking about the screenshot, the missing 0.3% are right there at the top left of base. Would have taken a few seconds to ink on respawn and not been a risk to the fight for controlling the map.

Gotta be honest: as someone who doesn't really use long-range weapons and generally prefers open maps, I'm not loving Mincemeat Metalworks and Scorch Gorge in turf war. Feels like once either team secures the obvious sightlines, it's pretty much gg.

Oh well, it's still early days.

I play ranged but not Chargers and Mincemeat and Scorch don't strike me as the worst offenders. Maybe I need to have a look at their Turf War layout but while both have powerful vantage points, those can be contested from multiple directions at least. Other maps you can't challenge a sniper, once dug in, at all outside of displacement specials.
And since we're talking about the screenshot, the missing 0.3% are right there at the top left of base. Would have taken a few seconds to ink on respawn and not been a risk to the fight for controlling the map.

I play ranged but not Chargers and Mincemeat and Scorch don't strike me as the worst offenders. Maybe I need to have a look at their Turf War layout but while both have powerful vantage points, those can be contested from multiple directions at least. Other maps you can't challenge a sniper, once dug in, at all outside of displacement specials.
I'm sure they're both actually just fine as they are, it's just been one of those sets in which the combination of weird team compositions + uncoordinated tactics made things go south fast. That, and splatlings being very effective against me, specifically.

I still need to find a long-ranged weapon that feels right for these. The rapid blaster isn't doing it for me this time, not sure why. If anyone has been maining the tri-stinger, I'd appreciate some impressions.
I still need to find a long-ranged weapon that feels right for these. The rapid blaster isn't doing it for me this time, not sure why. If anyone has been maining the tri-stinger, I'd appreciate some impressions.

As someone on the wrong end of Tri-Stringers my impression is they shut Splatlings down just as well as E-liters do. I can't tell how well they do at pushing out and threatening chargers, though.
From Saturday to Saturday, I played enough to reach level 72 in the catalog \o/

Is there really no other way to share and watch the replays you upload? I mean to somewhere like YouTube (Mario Kart 8 did it) or Twitter. I'm kinda disappointed about not being able to watch shared replays outside of downloading them to the console :(

Anyone have an inkling how special meter built so fast here? I wore random unleveled gear, so at most one main or a couple subs of charge up. Was it the bomb counting as ink? The splats? Does it give a boost for paint in the zone? In any case this seems wildly snowbally and in need of being tuned down.

Maybe someone on your team had Tenacity? I noticed this happening several times on Splatoon 2, I wasn't painting (or wasn't painting much) and yet my special gauge kept going up automatically or faster than usual. I always assumed someone had Tenacity equipped and it affected your whole team.
getting into a team with two splatanas and one roller against a team of 2 splatlings sure was fun /s
Special Power Up Effects
@Magnet_Man, I hope you don't mind, I'm copying and pasting your RE post here explaining Special Power Up.
It would be cool to have a repository of this type of info/data here, so maybe @Lucyfer could threadmark it. I love me some datamining and demonstration videos explaining stuff 😋

Magnet_Man said:
Breakdown of Special Power Up's effect on the Special Weapons. 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 refer to how many Mains of the ability you equip

Killer Wail
-Extends duration of lasers

-Extends blast radius
-Extends duration

Splat Vac
-Extends radius of vacuum range

-Extends duration (which doesn't matter since it'll end when you run out of ink trying to attack anyway)

Big Bubbler
-Increases durability of barrier (most likely not for the satellite above or the Beakon)
-Extends duration
*No improvement to Super Jump speed to the Beakon

Crab Tank
-Extends duration
*No change to armor health

-Extends blast radius

Ultra Stamp
-Extends duration

Booyah Bomb
-Reduces time to fully charge
*No change to armor health

Tenta Missiles
-Extends radius of target reticule
-Increases paint spread of missiles

Ink Jet
-Extends blast radius
-Extends duration

-Extends duration of stat boost
*No change to amount of time drink stand remains on the field
*No further increase to stat boost

Wave Breaker
-Extends range of waves
*No change to durability of breaker stand or point sensor effect

Ink Storm
-Extends duration of cloud

Triple Inkstrike
-Extends throw range of the missile marker
*No change to duration or ink spread

Video ends with a breakdown of how much the value changes based on the amount of gear power you use, but shows more video examples of the differences. The main thing to take away is that for a lot of the specials, one or two subs doesn't make any notable change. It's more important to go with mains of it or three subs.

The winners are easily Bubbler and Tacticooler, with Wave Breaker in third
Well, I am boned. 3/4 of the way through Live a Live, Xenoblade 3 on hold as my next game, and have Mario X Rabbids coming in next month... and I have played nothing but Splatoon 3.

Still working on story mode before really getting back into the multiplayer stuff, and just beat the second island. What a fun and unexpected boss battle. Was not expecting that at all. I am so curious where the story is going to take me.

Also, thank god the scrolls and logs are not tied to finding them hidden in levels. Reading the Aertna logs... some wild shit!
Anyone have an inkling how special meter built so fast here? I wore random unleveled gear, so at most one main or a couple subs of charge up. Was it the bomb counting as ink? The splats? Does it give a boost for paint in the zone? In any case this seems wildly snowbally and in need of being tuned down.

Looks like the paint coming from your splats boosts the charge. Watch the meter when you get a splat
Maybe someone on your team had Tenacity? I noticed this happening several times on Splatoon 2, I wasn't painting (or wasn't painting much) and yet my special gauge kept going up automatically or faster than usual. I always assumed someone had Tenacity equipped and it affected your whole team.

I went "Oh fuck, it's Tenacity, isn't it" immediately after posting, but my team doesn't actually spend that much time at a disadvantage and those intervals don't line up with when the meter seems to be going up on its own unless it's lagging behind. As far as I'm aware Tenacity also only apply to the wearer, though it may well have been on my shirt during this match.

Looks like the paint coming from your splats boosts the charge. Watch the meter when you get a splat

You're right. Those sudden jumps in the meter upon kills stand out. And they're frankly huge for something I wasn't aware factors into the gauge before. But there's also some passive generation going on which confuses me in addition to how rapidly special builds from the mere act of shooting enemies, even before they go splat.
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I went "Oh fuck, it's Tenacity, isn't it" immediately after posting, but my team doesn't actually spend that much time at a disadvantage and those intervals don't line up with when the meter seems to be going up on its own unless it's lagging behind. As far as I'm aware Tenacity also only apply to the wearer, though it may well have been on my shirt during this match.

You're right. Those sudden jumps in the meter upon kills stand out. And they're frankly huge for something I wasn't aware factors into the gauge before. But there's also some passive generation going on which confuses me in addition to how rapidly special builds from the mere act of shooting enemies, even before they go splat.
The passive generation happens whenever the opposing team is doing the objective. So if they control the zone in splatzones, have the tower or rainmaker in those games, or open the goal in clam blitz, your entire team will have their specials passively charging.
The passive generation happens whenever the opposing team is doing the objective. So if they control the zone in splatzones, have the tower or rainmaker in those games, or open the goal in clam blitz, your entire team will have their specials passively charging.

Oh, right. That matches up then. And explains why some of the pure painting work had such a outsized effect as it was doubling up on the painting and the passive generation for the enemy controlling the zone at those points. The splats making such a big contribution to filling the gauge still surprises me.

Here are the current builds I am working on in Splatoon 3 for Hydra Splattling and Sloshing Machine if anyone is interested. I also have a Splat Roller and Flingza build I made for a friend. Feel free to critique:

No critique, but this reminds me I gotta look into the effects of Ink Res again and into whether Sub Resistance Up is worth running one or two of by default now that it no longer works on Inkjet and Tenta Missiles and the like. I also gotta know the exact diminishing returns of Run Speed Up because I'm mighty tempted to stack it to the exclusion of almost anything else (or as much as I can get away with excluding) on the freshest fit slot reserved for Splatlings.

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