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Some more fine work from the Victims of Communism organization

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Original post: https://tw*tter.com/tweet/status/1248699951795798017

"Every global covid death is on communism" -Reliable sources probably
Some more fine work from the Victims of Communism organization

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Original post: https://tw*tter.com/tweet/status/1248699951795798017

"Every global covid death is on communism" -Reliable sources probably
What a joke lmao

Ah yes. It's Communism that killed millions from COVID. Certainly not anti vaxxers/maskers and all the capitalist pigs that forced everyone back to "normal" after not even a year of a lock down.
this assumes unfailing argumentative efficacy on your part, which based on this thread I would strongly discourage

Lmfao I would hate to deserve to be on the receiving end of a Raccoonsult.

I joined a forum, saw a bumped thread, gave my opinion, was jumped on and insulted. That's about it.

I would call that textbook extremism. If you can't present evidence and have someone reconsider their perspective, if they just handwave it away, they clearly are an extremist.

Same ideology that led most of the pogroms, I understand. Very tolerant, marxism.

Bye bye very tolerant people :(

Whoah hey what, you're leaving?
. . .

can't get through to extremists who are genocide deniers, and mod politely asked I do so, so no problem.
Not gonna lie, your whole polite schtick along with the wildly ridiculous accusations of those criticizing you give me serious nazi vibes.

The source for the 100 million number is a book called The Black Book of Communism. Two of the contributors since renounced the book. The main author's goal was to do nazi apologia by claiming that communists - the people that fascists hate more than anyone - are worse than nazis. He started out with the goal of reaching the 100 million figure and worked backwards from there. To get to that number he included nazis who died during WW2, and nazis who were executed. It also includes literally any person who died for any reason in a soviet country, and STILL required the author to just whole cloth make shit up to get to that number. They factor lowered birthrates into the deaths - As in they attributed to communism the deaths of people who were never born or even conceived.

Unsurprisingly, the book and the voc organization have ties to the nazis - One of the founders of VoC is a Banderite iirc. It engages in a form of holocaust denial called the double genocide theory.

The nazis framed communism as a jewish plot and then used that to claim they were merely defending themselves and their values from invading, degenerate, murderous, judeo-bolshevists (or Judeo-communists, or cultural-bolshevists which became today's cultural marxists, a Jordan Peterson favorite).

From that article:
"I have heard it countless times in the Baltics: “Look, the Jews were all communists, and the Soviets occupied us before the Nazis invaded!” By this logic, the locals who often initiated carnage against Jews were involved in self-defense."

"The Bogus moral equivalence of the Holocaust has been from the time of the actual massacres the myth that the Jews were all Communists and got what they deserved because Communism was every bit as genocidal as Nazism. Hence what the Jews call the Holocaust is a kind of opposite and equal reaction to the first genocide, the crimes of Communism."

"The Holocaust cannot, must not, be subsumed — but that is precisely what the Double Genocide theory seeks to do. It is the primary new mainstream form of Holocaust Denial, and should be treated with at least as much outrage as President Trump’s invocation of supposed moral equivalence between people who came to Charlottesville, Virginia in Nazi-style torch-lit processions to chant, “Jews will not replace us” and the Nazis’ “Blood and Soil” in English translation (they had to make their connection to Hitler-era Nazism), and those who came to protest them."

So when I say you're regurgitating nazi talking points, I'm not being flippant.
@DuskIsHere I haven't participated in this thread so far, only watched. I'm commenting because the whole thread is against you, and because I don't think anyone else is brave enough to come forward and say what I have to say.

I just wanted you to know that watching you debate the others in this thread has thoroughly convinced me that socialism is good. It's actually astounding how bad you've come off here.
The moment you invoke “so much for the tolerant left” and have to have your arm twisted repeatedly to even respond to good faith discussion instead of focusing on the folks who said mean things at you because you walked into their community for the explicit purpose to outright accuse that community of being genocide-enablers, you basically show all your cards. Frankly, I gave more polite consideration than this was ever worth.
Not gonna lie, your whole polite schtick along with the wildly ridiculous accusations of those criticizing you give me serious nazi vibes.
Yeah, this is a pretty typical strategy of the far right - equivocate Marxism and Nazism, which gives them wiggle room to cast Nazism as “not quite so bad,” or that it wasn’t a movement for the far right.

You can usually assume any discussion of Marxism that starts off with “apologize for 100 million deaths right now” is not in good faith.
Some more fine work from the Victims of Communism organization

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Original post: https://tw*tter.com/tweet/status/1248699951795798017

"Every global covid death is on communism" -Reliable sources probably
This shit ticks me off because the literal first reaction out of the mouth of a right-wing person I saw in my life to COVID, back when it was "just that one virus in China we're seeing on the news" is that it was going to RUIN EVERYTHING OH GOD GUYS THIS IS IT WERE GONNA DIE AND IT'S ALL CHINA'S FAULT WE SHOULDA GOTTEN RID OF THEM SOONER only for the exact same person (along with other folks I knew who were on that boat, politically) to suddenly shift to "actualy Covid is nothing its just a flu stop listening to globalists and stop wanting to stay home" as soon as our president at the time (the infamous Bolsonaro) took a skeptical position against it.
Meaning that, as far as I could see, all bad response to COVID in Brazil (possibly the world, but i would not be able to say) was deeply rooted to the fact that for whatever mad fucking reason our Right decided that the issue of a pandemic should be politized and if you refused to pretend it was nothingburger that meant you were a George Soros Shill or whatever buzzword of the week was floating in their head.
Marxism is very obviously an ideology.
Nope. Not at all. Marxism is economic analysis. Marx never laid out any ideology or proposal for strategies. He said capitalism exploits the working class and produced the relevant analysis. Every Marxist revolution had to work out all their policies and strategies for themselves.

…... Almost 100m people are dead behind this extremist ideology, 40m died in just four years. People have fled from it, if they were fast enough that is, for over 150 years. Ask an Albanian, Pole, or really most Eastern Europeans what they think of marxism, what it did to their country, how it impacts their country to the present day.

'Corrected'? My opinion is the defacto one around the world. It's not controversial.
No, it’s an incorrect one. You’re referring to cases of separate, isolated communist parties in which they worked out the strategies and policies that they implemented.

Marxist analysis has nothing to do with what happened in Stalin's Russia: it's like blaming Jesus Christ for the Inquisition in Spain.
I would disagree a little bit that Marxism is not an ideology, though “ideology” is a broad, vague, and often non-useful term.
it's like blaming Jesus Christ for the Inquisition in Spain.
Hippity hoppity this quote is now my our property.

No seriously, this is something a lot more people should understand. Makes me think of the "some protesters are violent -> protesting BAD" mentality a lot of people have.
Oh I missed that and seems this person got permabanned, never even bothered to give their definition of marxism

There are literally multiple orgs all over the world that provide ways to educate yourself on the subject. Sadly, a lot of people end up succumbing to culture wars and obvious fallacies. The sheer amount of stooges online makes me wonder if we’ll ever see the fall of capitalism in our lifetimes
Y'all are.... based? Is that the word?
Do you not think that actually it would be more interesting to allow other perspectives to be heard, rather than having the forum be nothing but an echo-chamber?
Do you not think that actually it would be more interesting to allow other perspectives to be heard, rather than having the forum be nothing but an echo-chamber?
It could be interesting if there was an actual attempt at constructive debate.

While it is fine to dislike socialism (thankfully), it is inapropriate to go on a socialism thread for the sole goal of dumping on those in that threads. Emphasis on the word "dumping", as that's clearly what happened considering DuskIsHere's first post here was mocking, undermining the intelligence of people here and already got close to the Godwin point with a Stazi reference.
Do you not think that actually it would be more interesting to allow other perspectives to be heard, rather than having the forum be nothing but an echo-chamber?

I'd be very curious as to what you mean exactly by this...
The SJW socialists keep an echo chamber where they firmly believe that Dunkaroos arent the best childhood nostalgia snack and will ban anyone who says that Fruit by the Foot isnt the best

I could get behind this.
Do you not think that actually it would be more interesting to allow other perspectives to be heard, rather than having the forum be nothing but an echo-chamber?
There's plenty of internet to go around to suit your taste. You won't have to go very far to find something more suitable for you, even on this very forum. You're welcome to go sample some of it instead of hanging out here with a lukewarm "echo chamber" take.
Do you not think that actually it would be more interesting to allow other perspectives to be heard, rather than having the forum be nothing but an echo-chamber?
If there's one thing socialists are famous for, it's never having different perspectives or arguments

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