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Yeah the fields in Xillia are quite uninspiring. I also like that every town has an identical port if they have one lol. If you end up liking the game, I really dug the sequel a bunch.

Hope they bring these games back one day with Graces F too.

I'll most likely play it at some point!

Graces F is another one i haven't played yet... i really wish Bamco would re-release their older stuff more often.
I don't know what got into me last night but I was craving a turnbased RPG, and instead of continuing This Way Lies Madness or starting DQ2... I started P5R. I was gonna try to play P4G first... but yeah I couldn't wait for the physical of P4 to come. P5R has a hella strong opening.
is the reason explained in this game or is it something you would only know if you played the original?
The reason is explained in the game, but it's probably clearer for people who played the original.

Cool that you're pushing on! I honestly don't remember when NEO starts to open up, just that it does take a while.
Hey! It's the 37th anniversary of DQ2, while not the most played one, the scale of the game, having a visible party and even having a ship to travel became a cornerstone for other games. Fun fact, the game was so rushed nobody tested the last third of the game, making it one of the more difficult games to finish (since enemies in the last area could use kamikaze to kill you in one turn).

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It also gave us one of the most memorable songs of DQ

I don't know what got into me last night but I was craving a turnbased RPG, and instead of continuing This Way Lies Madness or starting DQ2... I started P5R. I was gonna try to play P4G first... but yeah I couldn't wait for the physical of P4 to come. P5R has a hella strong opening.
IMO 5 has a much stronger opening than 3/4. Those games really ask you to stick with the early parts but 5 is arresting pretty much immediately no pun intended with how it presents the story and gives you a taste of the gameplay.
IMO 5 has a much stronger opening than 3/4. Those games really ask you to stick with the early parts but 5 is arresting pretty much immediately no pun intended with how it presents the story and gives you a taste of the gameplay.
P5 does an excellent job of pulling you in quickly before it slows way down and does all the tutorials and eases you into things. It’s a great way to do it since there’s just so much the game has to establish and slowly build up to.

It also plays really well on the whole “heist” theme since starting in media res and ending in a cliffhanger only to flashback to explain how they got to that point is such a classic trope.
Finally Bamco confirming the traditional chinese localization of DQX Offline is coming on 5/28 and as it was reported before, no switch version.


What does this mean for the west? Nothing of course, that ship was never going to sail, but hey at least we have the date when more people are going to be able to play the game in their language
Well it only took me...a lot of tries (I first started it in like mid 2022) but I think I'm finally hooked on P4G. There's still quite a few elements that annoy me but I think I'm about halfway through now and generally having a pretty good time

Man I still miss SMT combat though
I think I’m heading towards endgame in Chained Echoes. This is way longer than I thought it would be but I think about five hours of that has just been me tinkering with loadouts on the ridiculously huge party, which keeps expanding. Also sometimes characters aren’t available so it encourages you to experiment.

What’s really cool though is that, while the combat party is 4, (plus one more linked to each of them, that can swap in), you aren’t punished for not grinding to level up characters in reserve. The whole party levels up together regardless, which again encourages you to try different tactics and team combos.

Really solid, rounded indie rpg, and really impressive considering most of it is one developer. I don’t think the mech combat is as interesting or intricate as the main party on foot but hey, it’s fun pacing.
about five hours of that has just been me tinkering with loadouts on the ridiculously huge party, which keeps expanding

Also sometimes characters aren’t available so it encourages you to experiment
I love RPGs that do this. Force me out of my comfort zone, heck yeah.

I don’t think the mech combat is as interesting or intricate as the main party on foot but hey, it’s fun pacing
Have to agree that the mech combat isn't as fun because your options are more limited, but it's not bad. Certainly not enough to detract from the whole experience.
I think I’m heading towards endgame in Chained Echoes. This is way longer than I thought it would be but I think about five hours of that has just been me tinkering with loadouts on the ridiculously huge party, which keeps expanding. Also sometimes characters aren’t available so it encourages you to experiment.

What’s really cool though is that, while the combat party is 4, (plus one more linked to each of them, that can swap in), you aren’t punished for not grinding to level up characters in reserve. The whole party levels up together regardless, which again encourages you to try different tactics and team combos.

Really solid, rounded indie rpg, and really impressive considering most of it is one developer. I don’t think the mech combat is as interesting or intricate as the main party on foot but hey, it’s fun pacing.

Chained Echoes had so many good ideas as far as gameplay systems go

that character swapping thing you mentioned, the level up system, the overdrive bar etc

the only real miss was that crystal system which just felt way too clunky to the point where I just tossed a couple boosts on my gear and mostly ignored messing with it very much(although from what I hear that system has gotten some updates in patches since I played it so not sure what it's like nowadays)
Chained Echoes had so many good ideas as far as gameplay systems go

that character swapping thing you mentioned, the level up system, the overdrive bar etc

the only real miss was that crystal system which just felt way too clunky to the point where I just tossed a couple boosts on my gear and mostly ignored messing with it very much(although from what I hear that system has gotten some updates in patches since I played it so not sure what it's like nowadays)
It’s really clunky that you need to upgrade a weapon or armour to open up crystal slots.
Then you need to merge crystals before you put them in slots
But to upgrade the crystals you need to take them out of the slots first to see which ones are available to merge and upgrade and put them back in, as some can’t be used for a base merge and some don’t have enough purity left to be used for a base merge.
But you have a dozen characters by the end and you get new gear all the time.
But it’s often not worth equipping new items until you’ve found the items needed to upgrade them as a new 6* sword of +50 attack is obviously worse than a 5* sword of +46 attack but with enough open slots to put a ‘+20% attack’ Crystal in.
Which then means it’s largely not worth worrying about upgrading equipment and crystals until you have a moment to unequip everything, upgrade everything, re-merge everything and tool up everyone again.
In the endgame It’s now a 15 minute job to retool the party. Which I enjoy, but not when I’m actually trying to make progress.

I like it, it’s ultimately a more developed version of FFVII/FFIX materia/orbs, but it definitely could be streamlined a bit.
I'm only a few hours in, but Super Mario RPG is delightful. It's so pretty and sounds great. Plus, the script is really fun. Is it sacrilegious to say I think I may end up liking it more than Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster? I just beat that right before starting SMRPG, and this is my first time playing both games.
Having now finished Super Mario RPG, I'm going to stick with my earlier feeling and conclude that I like this game more than Final Fantasy VI. My only disappointments with it were:

1. The stretch from the palace to the end of the volcano because it was a lot of continuous, similar dungeon crawling when the variety of towns, minigames, and NPCs mixed in with the dungeons is what had charmed me earlier
2. The triathlon logic puzzle in Bowser's Castle because I found the language unclear (I think "event" should have been "leg" instead) and thought the host should have reminded you of the order of the various parts of a triathlon when you talked to them; I spent forever on this until I looked it up and discovered my misunderstanding
3. The inability to jump on and/or hammer enemies to start battles with an advantage like in later Mario RPGs (a very minor disappointment)

I don't know if Nintendo would ever do it, but Super Mario RPG 2 would be an instant purchase for me.
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Struggling at the end of Chained Echoes with what I hope is the final mech fight. Only just realised I should have been swapping weapons around all game on them as they keep any stat upgrades they get through weapon proficiencies. No wonder I’m finding it tough!

Also found the last blacksmith who, due to me having stumbled across the relevant items, was able to give me three of the final weapons. Which need what looks like post-game materials to upgrade. So I’m basically outside the final boss room but leaving the ultimate sword and co in the umbrella stand as, without being able to upgrade them, they are weaker than the upgraded stuff I’ve already got equipped. That’s a bit.. underwhelming :D

Still, after 45 hours it’s been 99% great stuff. Just need to persevere on the final gauntlet and hope I don’t need to go grind mech weapon levels or something.
Only just realised I should have been swapping weapons around all game on them as they keep any stat upgrades they get through weapon proficiencies
... I didn't even realize this lol. Guess I stumbled into the correct course of action

That’s a bit.. underwhelming
Yeah I kinda wish the ultimate weapons were better. Or the entire crystal system overhauled, honestly.
... I didn't even realize this lol. Guess I stumbled into the correct course of action

Yeah I kinda wish the ultimate weapons were better. Or the entire crystal system overhauled, honestly.
Honesty the whole mech thing is really poorly explained- it’s given to you just before the game opens up and only digging into it in the endgame did I really figure it out. It’s not hidden, just not well explained when you’re also trying to work out what all the new mech melee and ranged weapons do in a whole new combat system.

The crystal system just needs to be streamlined, allowing upgrading kit without taking stuff out and merging it and trying again, when by the end you are drowning in crystals. I like tailoring loadouts (HP drain on melee types and reduction of TP cost on healers were my staples). But it shouldn’t make finding a new weapon be like ‘groan, that looks cool but I’m nowhere near an anvil and even if I were, I don’t have the crafting materials to upgrade it to be better than the kit I’m using’.

Just watching the end sequence now. Not sure I’ll stick around for the postgame, I don’t care enough about
’I’ve only got 2 years to live’ character
to slog through what’s going to inevitably be more mech battles.
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I’ve owed this thread a post for a while and things are currently calm so now seems like a good time. First, I’ll give my final Octopath Traveler II thoughts. My ultimate enjoyment definitely got impacted by my rush to finish it and due to the familiar structure / mechanics, but overall Octopath Traveler II was a fantastic game. My favorite improvement over the original game was I really liked all eight characters this time around and I think the conclusions to all of their stories were all strong. In particular, I was invested in following Hikari’s journey to reclaim his kingdom and Castii’s quest to reclaim her lost memories and cure the plague. Partitio is definitely my favorite of the bunch with his infectious enthusiasm and some wild moments (I loved seeing the 80 billion in your bank account lol) and I especially loved his “Yeehaw!” in battle. I loved the big finale of the adventure with all eight characters questing together though it was too short. Beyond the story stuff, the other big thing I loved just like the first game was being able to explore more and more of the world and see all of the towns and optional dungeons. Heading into danger always felt so exciting and even though it is ultimately fairly simple I still adored the big ocean surprise. One last thing, the soundtrack was awesome! It definitely stung beating the game and finding out it’s been basically a year and it still isn’t on itunes so hopefully that changes soon. The battle and boss themes as well as some of the perky town themes were definitely my favorites here.

The second thing I wanted to talk about was I did hit a current stopping point two weeks ago in the Magia Record Arc 2 fan translation I had been slowly watching for a few months now. Since it was still in progress, I didn’t want to rush through what was available so I took my time. While I learned you can still play the RPG by jumping through some hoops, I decided to stick with just watching the cutscenes. It’s been awesome to see more or less half of Arc 2 at this point. All of the main old characters have been getting their chances to shine, some great side characters got promoted essentially to stand alongside them (in particular Karin, Ryo, and Ikumi), and then a huge chunk of new characters and factions all got introduced and I’m invested in a lot of them (especially Promised Blood). I really dug some of the big resolutions it’s had for stories set up in part 1 like Felicia having to remember and confront her role in the death of her parents and just what story threads they decided to build off of to get Arc 2 going (like Promised Blood’s backstory and motivation) and how they were so strongly executed. When I most recently peeked at their schedule I’m excited it seems the fan translation group has turned its attention back to the Another Story campaign so whenever Chapter 6 drops I’m eager to get back to watching :)

Last thing, while I was writing this post Like A Dragon 8 just finished installing, so I’m finally starting my next RPG!
But it shouldn’t make finding a new weapon be like ‘groan, that looks cool but I’m nowhere near an anvil and even if I were, I don’t have the crafting materials to upgrade it to be better than the kit I’m using’.
For sure. It was always a little stressful getting a new weapon and realizing you need new mats. I didn't even bother with the crystal system at some points lol.

As for postgame, maybe read this after watching the ending sequence... The plotline with the Pact ends there. The postgame doesn't really have much relevance to the characters.
After several posts of criticising Chained Echoes, I should probably add that it’s still a really, really good rpg. Very much enjoyed it, reminded me of Rise of the Third Power in the way the story twists and turns. I think RotTP is shorter and less ambitious, but it’s also more elegant for it. Whereas CE is stunning in its scope, literally packed with stuff to do and enough cool party members to have a reserve team you actually want to field (stares at various Star Ocean/FF games), but it’s also got so much going on that it struggles to give its mech combat as much focus as the main party on foot. It’s still a stunning rpg though, even more so for being an expansive adventure that stands tall alongside those from big studios while mostly being the work of one developer.
For sure. It was always a little stressful getting a new weapon and realizing you need new mats. I didn't even bother with the crystal system at some points lol.

As for postgame, maybe read this after watching the ending sequence... The plotline with the Pact ends there. The postgame doesn't really have much relevance to the characters.
Lol. Definitely leaving it there. I enjoyed it, I feel like slogging through the postgame may eventually have me tire of it so I’d rather choose to jump off at the end sequence with good memories of it.
I’ve owed this thread a post for a while and things are currently calm so now seems like a good time. First, I’ll give my final Octopath Traveler II thoughts. My ultimate enjoyment definitely got impacted by my rush to finish it and due to the familiar structure / mechanics, but overall Octopath Traveler II was a fantastic game. My favorite improvement over the original game was I really liked all eight characters this time around and I think the conclusions to all of their stories were all strong. In particular, I was invested in following Hikari’s journey to reclaim his kingdom and Castii’s quest to reclaim her lost memories and cure the plague. Partitio is definitely my favorite of the bunch with his infectious enthusiasm and some wild moments (I loved seeing the 80 billion in your bank account lol) and I especially loved his “Yeehaw!” in battle. I loved the big finale of the adventure with all eight characters questing together though it was too short. Beyond the story stuff, the other big thing I loved just like the first game was being able to explore more and more of the world and see all of the towns and optional dungeons. Heading into danger always felt so exciting and even though it is ultimately fairly simple I still adored the big ocean surprise. One last thing, the soundtrack was awesome! It definitely stung beating the game and finding out it’s been basically a year and it still isn’t on itunes so hopefully that changes soon. The battle and boss themes as well as some of the perky town themes were definitely my favorites here.

The second thing I wanted to talk about was I did hit a current stopping point two weeks ago in the Magia Record Arc 2 fan translation I had been slowly watching for a few months now. Since it was still in progress, I didn’t want to rush through what was available so I took my time. While I learned you can still play the RPG by jumping through some hoops, I decided to stick with just watching the cutscenes. It’s been awesome to see more or less half of Arc 2 at this point. All of the main old characters have been getting their chances to shine, some great side characters got promoted essentially to stand alongside them (in particular Karin, Ryo, and Ikumi), and then a huge chunk of new characters and factions all got introduced and I’m invested in a lot of them (especially Promised Blood). I really dug some of the big resolutions it’s had for stories set up in part 1 like Felicia having to remember and confront her role in the death of her parents and just what story threads they decided to build off of to get Arc 2 going (like Promised Blood’s backstory and motivation) and how they were so strongly executed. When I most recently peeked at their schedule I’m excited it seems the fan translation group has turned its attention back to the Another Story campaign so whenever Chapter 6 drops I’m eager to get back to watching :)

Last thing, while I was writing this post Like A Dragon 8 just finished installing, so I’m finally starting my next RPG!
A lot of the QoL stuff I really adored in OT2. Like dungeons letting you know what what be a good time to attempt them, so they aren’t just an instant game over or a walk in the park after making the effort to go there.

Yeah it’s packed full of quality reveals and things to find along the way. Beautiful game. I really hope they make an OTIII
A lot of the QoL stuff I really adored in OT2. Like dungeons letting you know what what be a good time to attempt them, so they aren’t just an instant game over or a walk in the park after making the effort to go there.

Yeah it’s packed full of quality reveals and things to find along the way. Beautiful game. I really hope they make an OTIII
Yeah being able to have a sense walking into an optional dungeon if it is for you or not yet is appreciated. I want to say unlike the first game they were marked on the map this time (vs you having to remember them) which made it easy to best plan my route through the game and always make sure I swung back to dungeons before I out leveled them.
Yeah being able to have a sense walking into an optional dungeon if it is for you or not yet is appreciated. I want to say unlike the first game they were marked on the map this time (vs you having to remember them) which made it easy to best plan my route through the game and always make sure I swung back to dungeons before I out leveled them.
Yeah the first game didn’t tell you. There were loads of tiny changes like this that I found when playing them back to back last year. Like the stat upgrade items now tell you how many points it went up when you use them, and before they just said ‘a little’ or something like that.

The change in the combat system to apothecary concoctions (latent talent means it doesn’t use resources) and the beastmaster beast uses (that now aren’t an expendable resource) did a huge amount to balance the classes too.
Honesty the whole mech thing is really poorly explained- it’s given to you just before the game opens up and only digging into it in the endgame did I really figure it out. It’s not hidden, just not well explained when you’re also trying to work out what all the new mech melee and ranged weapons do in a whole new combat system.

The crystal system just needs to be streamlined, allowing upgrading kit without taking stuff out and merging it and trying again, when by the end you are drowning in crystals. I like tailoring loadouts (HP drain on melee types and reduction of TP cost on healers were my staples). But it shouldn’t make finding a new weapon be like ‘groan, that looks cool but I’m nowhere near an anvil and even if I were, I don’t have the crafting materials to upgrade it to be better than the kit I’m using’.

Just watching the end sequence now. Not sure I’ll stick around for the postgame, I don’t care enough about
’I’ve only got 2 years to live’ character
to slog through what’s going to inevitably be more mech battles.
Fwiw most of the optional late game bosses are done on foot not in mechs. Also if you did level up your mech as intended the mech combat, like foot combat, just becomes laughably easy. Especially if you find the secret models who have very strong stats.
Forgive the selfish bump but what on earth, I've just found out I had mistakenly put this thread (and a couple of others) on ignore?! Could it have been some site-wide bug ahahah

I had started to miss my favorite ST on the forum!
Square updated the FF Pixel Remasters with the console enhancements on Steam and put them on sale... on Steam only. Now I'm torn on whether I want them on Steam Deck or Switch. This company continues to baffle me.
Square updated the FF Pixel Remasters with the console enhancements on Steam and put them on sale... on Steam only. Now I'm torn on whether I want them on Steam Deck or Switch. This company continues to baffle me.
That makes sense since the updates are on PC. Your best bet for a console sale will be Golden Week in late April / early May.
Square Enix absorbs Tokyo RPG Factory
Square Enix will merge with Tokyo RPG Factory in an absorption-type merger, the company announced.

This means that Square Enix, the surviving company, will inherit all assets and liabilities of Tokyo RPG Factory, the dissolving company, and Tokyo RPG Factory will cease to exist as an individual entity.

Not a particularly surprising development, felt like the writing was on the wall for TRPGF.
I’m about nine hours into Like A Dragon 8, but I can only offer limited impressions so far considering I feel like I’m in the tutorials / early adventure still as I abandoned the main quest. I’m supposed to head to Kiryu’s parked car, but this is right where the game opens up a tad by letting you roam around Hawaii which I’m really enjoying exploring. I’m only a two man team right now, but it’s been fun poking around the map, seeing the sights and soaking in the atmosphere, and completing substories. Once I’ve done the last few I am eager to get back to the main story which has been excellent so far. All of the characters are super lovable and I’m invested in the main mysteries.

The big thing I want to talk about is definitely combat. In Yakuza 7, I really loved everything about the game except the combat which never evolved much over the course of the game and just felt too basic overall. Again I’m still early, but I feel encouraged already this one is going to be better. Positioning on the battlefield matters as you can set up combos by bopping enemies into each or towards your teammates and by grabbing weapons and hitting people into traps at least early on you can deal some big damage. I’m curious to see how this carries through and evolves, but yeah I’m feeling encouraged.
I’m about nine hours into Like A Dragon 8, but I can only offer limited impressions so far considering I feel like I’m in the tutorials / early adventure still as I abandoned the main quest. I’m supposed to head to Kiryu’s parked car, but this is right where the game opens up a tad by letting you roam around Hawaii which I’m really enjoying exploring. I’m only a two man team right now, but it’s been fun poking around the map, seeing the sights and soaking in the atmosphere, and completing substories. Once I’ve done the last few I am eager to get back to the main story which has been excellent so far. All of the characters are super lovable and I’m invested in the main mysteries.

The big thing I want to talk about is definitely combat. In Yakuza 7, I really loved everything about the game except the combat which never evolved much over the course of the game and just felt too basic overall. Again I’m still early, but I feel encouraged already this one is going to be better. Positioning on the battlefield matters as you can set up combos by bopping enemies into each or towards your teammates and by grabbing weapons and hitting people into traps at least early on you can deal some big damage. I’m curious to see how this carries through and evolves, but yeah I’m feeling encouraged.

for the record(slight party member timing spoiler)

you get a third party member like a half hour of story progress after you get Kiryu, probably even less than that it's literally like 1-2 cutscenes after IIRC

everything about the combat just feels so much more polished

I liked 7 and was happy about what they did with the combat since I never cared for the brawling thing but it was their first crack at the turn based thing and it showed

i'm pretty much stuck on the island thing right now myself, I want to get it to 5 stars while i'm there but it's far too long to do in one sitting so it probably won't be till the weekend that I get back to the main story
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But I want it now!

I’ll probably just bite and get the Steam versions for my Deck.

If you're not concerned with getting a physical copy, then going with the Steam versions are the best bet imo. I bought it on both precisely because I wanted a physical copy (got the Asian version since that's what's been available), but I've mostly played only the Steam versions.

Yes, high hopes that we also get this one in the west after getting ygdra union

Yes, high hopes that we also get this one in the west after getting ygdra union
Still waiting for Knights in the Nightmare which released last year on the Switch.
I’ve got really mixed feelings on both of those games. I played Riviera on GBA, and found it’s linear, restrictive nature (you can’t ever go back to old areas, and you’re only allowed to carry 15 items and take a handful into battle) to be really simplistic compared to other RPGs. It is really text heavy though, and suits people who like the story aspect of such games over the battles.

Knights in the Nightmare I’d like to play again just to see if I could understand it this time around. I played it on DS and just found it confusing compared to even the weirdest SRPG I’ve ever played.

The one I really want to play from Sting one day is Gungnir.
Gonna be honest, I'm also not particularly interested in replaying Riviera and wrangling with its specific set of RPG mechanics.

Still waiting for Knights in the Nightmare which released last year on the Switch.
I'd be over the moon for Knights in the Nightmare. Just an astoundingly original gameplay concept mashing bullet hell and SRPG together, and it somehow works. I do wonder how it feels without a stylus, though.
Gonna be honest, I'm also not particularly interested in replaying Riviera and wrangling with its specific set of RPG mechanics.

I'd be over the moon for Knights in the Nightmare. Just an astoundingly original gameplay concept mashing bullet hell and SRPG together, and it somehow works. I do wonder how it feels without a stylus, though.
KITN is something I thought was both a fresh concept and very clever, but also way too clever for me :D
KITN is something I thought was both a fresh concept and very clever, but also way too clever for me :D
It takes quite a bit to wrap your head around, but it does have a rhythm you can grasp

(Which doesn't mean you'll win your battles, lord knows I flunked those a ton lol)
If you're not concerned with getting a physical copy, then going with the Steam versions are the best bet imo. I bought it on both precisely because I wanted a physical copy (got the Asian version since that's what's been available), but I've mostly played only the Steam versions.
Looks like it's starting to go up on storefronts so I might wait to see if it pops up on the eShop. Playing on my Deck is fine but for long RPGs it's hard to beat the convenience of the Switch Lite.
I’ve got really mixed feelings on both of those games. I played Riviera on GBA, and found it’s linear, restrictive nature (you can’t ever go back to old areas, and you’re only allowed to carry 15 items and take a handful into battle) to be really simplistic compared to other RPGs. It is really text heavy though, and suits people who like the story aspect of such games over the battles.

Knights in the Nightmare I’d like to play again just to see if I could understand it this time around. I played it on DS and just found it confusing compared to even the weirdest SRPG I’ve ever played.

The one I really want to play from Sting one day is Gungnir.
Gungnir is great and I really hope it's next after Riviera. It's the more traditional entry in the Dept Heaven series, but still has its own unique quirks that make it stand out.
Gonna be honest, I'm also not particularly interested in replaying Riviera and wrangling with its specific set of RPG mechanics.

I'd be over the moon for Knights in the Nightmare. Just an astoundingly original gameplay concept mashing bullet hell and SRPG together, and it somehow works. I do wonder how it feels without a stylus, though.
Shouldn't be much different from the PSP release which played just fine; in fact I ended up preferring that one to the original DS version.

As for Riviera, from the article it sounds like they're making several big updates to the gameplay.
Looks like it's starting to go up on storefronts so I might wait to see if it pops up on the eShop. Playing on my Deck is fine but for long RPGs it's hard to beat the convenience of the Switch Lite.
And it’s up on the eShop

Being too lazy to buy the Steam version last night paid off
I’ve got really mixed feelings on both of those games. I played Riviera on GBA, and found it’s linear, restrictive nature (you can’t ever go back to old areas, and you’re only allowed to carry 15 items and take a handful into battle) to be really simplistic compared to other RPGs. It is really text heavy though, and suits people who like the story aspect of such games over the battles.
For me this is what it makes it really unique, it really feels more like a visual novel with rpg mechanics, and you really have to takein account all your resources, it's complexity lives on its simplicity since you have very limited resources (including exploration)

With this said I'm no fan of the filter they are using for the "HD" graphics. Was hoping they kept the pixels like in Ygdra, but Riviera had smaller sprites after all



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