StarTopic Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door |ST| A Classic Re_rinted!

To those who have battled them, which is more difficult: the Glitz Pit superboss or the Pit superboss? I’m saving them both for postgame and want to do the hardest one last.
From my experience, I had a lot more trouble with the Glitz Pit superboss than I did the Pit superboss, but I am unsure if others will echo this sentiment.

However, I did use an ability that seemed to trivialize the Pit superboss, so if you don't go that same route, I could see it being trickier.
To those who have battled them, which is more difficult: the Glitz Pit superboss or the Pit superboss? I’m saving them both for postgame and want to do the hardest one last.
Glitz Pit is harder and easily the hardest boss in either of the first two Paper Mario games.
To those who have battled them, which is more difficult: the Glitz Pit superboss or the Pit superboss? I’m saving them both for postgame and want to do the hardest one last.
I've not fought either, but having seen some die hard TTYD fans do them, most of them seem to play around with Pit superboss to see what it can do other then beeg damage, Glitz Pit super boss was clearly designed to punish players who
go all in on Jump attacks since half the time Mush is immune. In theory it feels like Whacka was also supposed to do this, but there's too many ways to cheese Whacka from what I've seen
To those who have battled them, which is more difficult: the Glitz Pit superboss or the Pit superboss? I’m saving them both for postgame and want to do the hardest one last.
I managed to beat the Glitz Pit superboss right before starting Chapter 4 through sheer luck and item reliance. I also replayed the boss after beating the game, yet I completely failed because of my build. Beating the Pit superboss is viable with more builds, so I'd say it's easier.
I've not fought either, but having seen some die hard TTYD fans do them, most of them seem to play around with Pit superboss to see what it can do other then beeg damage, Glitz Pit super boss was clearly designed to punish players who
go all in on Jump attacks since half the time Mush is immune. In theory it feels like Whacka was also supposed to do this, but there's too many ways to cheese Whacka from what I've seen
The Glitz boss comes last in the Tattle Log so I definitely think it’s meant to be harder. The Pit one can get hairy if you’re caught unprepared but if you’ve already conquered the Pit once you should be able to beat the new boss without much trouble, IMO.
I've not fought either, but having seen some die hard TTYD fans do them, most of them seem to play around with Pit superboss to see what it can do other then beeg damage, Glitz Pit super boss was clearly designed to punish players who
go all in on Jump attacks since half the time Mush is immune. In theory it feels like Whacka was also supposed to do this, but there's too many ways to cheese Whacka from what I've seen
Well, Whacka is meant to be a joke enemy despite delivering lots of damage.
I got to say. I think they made the stage hazards more frequent against the enemies.

I feel like you get Fog often for yourself and the enemies are always getting frozen or whatnot.
The opposite was true in my playthrough. Grodus had fog on him for like four turns 😭
I got to say. I think they made the stage hazards more frequent against the enemies.

I feel like you get Fog often for yourself and the enemies are always getting frozen or whatnot.
Yeah I get fog for myself waaaaay more than I ever did on GameCube. I’m not even sure I ever saw fog that only covers one side in the original?
I got to say. I think they made the stage hazards more frequent against the enemies.

I feel like you get Fog often for yourself and the enemies are always getting frozen or whatnot.
The Rawk Hawk got frozen twice in a row when I fought him. Felt like cheating lol.
Finally beaten it, after 2 whole decades of always dropping it in the final chapter.

Great game, but yeah, I had already played countless times the best part of it. Really not a fan of the final dungeon. The final boss is pretty good though. Definitely harder than PM64's final boss (the attack preventing any buff was especially annoying !).

Was a bit disappointed that Bowser wasn't more important at the end of it. He just shows up, gets beaten, and that's it for him. Would have much prefered if he helped Mario, wanting to save Peach.

Chapter 5 and 6 stay the best a Mario RPG has ever been imo, with chapter 3 and 4 being pretty high too.
Finally beaten it, after 2 whole decades of always dropping it in the final chapter.

Great game, but yeah, I had already played countless times the best part of it. Really not a fan of the final dungeon. The final boss is pretty good though. Definitely harder than PM64's final boss (the attack preventing any buff was especially annoying !).

Was a bit disappointed that Bowser wasn't more important at the end of it. He just shows up, gets beaten, and that's it for him. Would have much prefered if he helped Mario, wanting to save Peach.

Chapter 5 and 6 stay the best a Mario RPG has ever been imo, with chapter 3 and 4 being pretty high too.
Bowser’s role in this game feels like a cover story in One Piece. Something amusing going on in the background that doesn’t have much impact on the main story.

If I could wave a wand and make it so, I’d have included a chapter 9 in this remake where you travel to Bowser’s Kingdom, explore the region/castle and do a rematch with him.
If I did this 20 years ago I totally forgot:

I totally forgot if you go up in the vent on sub level 2 and fall in the far right room you can make Mario and all of your partners 8 Bit similar to Booster Tower in Mario RPG.
There's a similar thing in Boo's Mansion in PM64.
I beat TTYD remake tonight! What a game. Honestly, this is one of the best games I’ve ever played. A stellar remake of a stellar classic, and in my opinion, a must-play for any Nintendo Switch owner.

Easy 10/10 for me. Next stop: 100%!
I beat the super boss I wanted to beat Prince Mush. Dude was a menace! I had 50 HP and 40 FP and he was draining it regularly. I ended up winning with 15 HP left and 19/20 of my items used up lol (I certainly could have come better prepared with better healing items). What an awesome addition to the game. I’m cleaning up the last few post Chapter 7 troubles tonight and I think I’m committed to just beating the game and ending it there tomorrow. Had a great time revisiting this game. I wasn’t feeling it too strongly at first as I replayed it recently, but it’s still a really awesome game and it won me over again of course.
I got to say. I think they made the stage hazards more frequent against the enemies.

I feel like you get Fog often for yourself and the enemies are always getting frozen or whatnot.
Yeah i felt the same.
I remember losing to Bonetail the first time i fought it 20 years ago due to getting frozen near the end of the fight, lovely. This may have been the closest i've ever been to throw a controller against the wall.

I beat the remake yesterday, got all Shines/star pieces/Trouble center requests/tattle logs. I missed two badges and i don't want to cook the recipes, collecting some of these ingrediens is a backtracking nightmare in an already backtracking heavy game.

It was a good time, TTYD is still a very good game:

I did a 10 into 5 HP run, it was fun. With a good setup You can just steamroll any enemy if you're decent at superguarding.
The remix soundtrack was mostly fantastic, overall a big upgrade over the original.
Great graphics
The 2 added secret fights were fun

30 FPS was not much of an issue, I was more annoyed by the input delay in some situations.
Can't speed up dialogues anymore
Backtracking is still an issue, it's only partially fixed
It's certainly a game of its time, the level design is showing its age
Chapter 5, at least the pre-dungeon segment, might be my actual least favorite segment. The backtracking feels more monotonous than 4’s, maybe because Fuzzies and Piranha Plants are obnoxious enemies, they feel harder to avoid, and there seem to be more of them per screen that respawn each time. Or just that the story isn’t as interesting as 4, so you don’t have the intrigue to motivate you in the same way. About to go into the dungeon which I’d always found the better part of the chapter, so hopefully that remains the case in this version.
Assuming we get an iterative sequel to TTYD, how would you like or how do you predict the battle system to be expanded or changed, if at all?

I think they’d adjust the special moves with a more game/story specific gimmick, but aside from that, badges and whatnot should all stay.
Chapter 5, at least the pre-dungeon segment, might be my actual least favorite segment. The backtracking feels more monotonous than 4’s, maybe because Fuzzies and Piranha Plants are obnoxious enemies, they feel harder to avoid, and there seem to be more of them per screen that respawn each time. Or just that the story isn’t as interesting as 4, so you don’t have the intrigue to motivate you in the same way. About to go into the dungeon which I’d always found the better part of the chapter, so hopefully that remains the case in this version.
Ch. 5 starts really strong then starts spinning its wheels once you wash ashore. I think the issue is how stark the contrast is between the ceremony of the adventure once you set sail and then what you're actually doing and seeing on the island. Thankfully the chapter ends as strong as it began.
I have no idea why they gave chapter 6 where you have so few battles, a battle theme that goes SO HARD
Because it's what in the bottle they've been shaking from the moment you disembark. Once you hit Ch. 3 TTYD shifts from "more Mario 64" to trying to commit to and wring as much as they can out of big stylistic ideas, and this is arguably most true for Ch. 6. That chapter is a long, indulgent painting of the idea of timelessness, primarily using the aesthetic of "classic" Hollywood/western decadence. It's a couple hour long trip through nostalgic moods and spaces. Even the music on the train is muffled by the steady rhythm of the wheels on the tracks, like it's playing off the radio as you explore.

When you hit Riverside Station, there's no music. You explore and soak up the abandoned station's rustic aesthetic, it's "shabby chic" like Goombella calls it, accompanied only by the steady sound of the clocktower's machinery. If you talk to the ghost before you explore Riverside Station, he'll describe how the drawbridge was built to accommodate sightseeing boats that would travel the canal, which has long since dried. He relates to the bridge, a relic of the past that has long since lost its purposes. The ghost, the station, the drawbridge; this slice of the world is at a standstill. They break that tension with that battle theme and it fucking rules—the world is in motion again once Mario hits the stage. It not only feels like the cork's come off with how much energy it has, it's a really appropriate musical style for the chapter.
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Finished main game, post game boss battles, only thing left is recipes. This remake is much better than I imagined, with better visuals, new and arranged musics, some qol changes and some nice additions like new bosses and npcs. I always thought PM TTYD one of weakest in terms of soundtrack of Mario RPGs, but this remake definitely changes this. Another thing noted replaying this, is game playing almost like a sidescroller game, looking back, feels like a prototype of Super Paper Mario. It's not a bad thing, it's just different. Only thing I don't liked is getting all recipes for 100% completion, it's basically impossible to get all without a guide.
I beat the Pit of 100 Trials for the first time today! Woohoo! I used two Power Plus badges, All or Nothing, Jumpman + Spike Shield, and more to deal obscene amounts of damage. To an enemy with 0 defense, my basic jump attack deployed a whopping 14 damage! Pair that with some defense badges and powering up my partner, and it wasn’t all that bad. By the end of the Pit, I was something like Lvl 32 and had the following stats (doing this from memory so it might be slightly off):

40 HP
40 FP
63 BP

Mario is now all-powerful and ready to take on anything life throws his way. I want to get to Lvl 35 with 72 BP before I take on the new superbosses.

BP is the most fun mechanic ever!
Assuming we get an iterative sequel to TTYD, how would you like or how do you predict the battle system to be expanded or changed, if at all?
Hard to say. The introduction of the stage mechanics was brilliant and couldn't have been predicted after playing PM64. I'd be totally fine with just TTYD's battle system with some tweaks, but I'd also like to keep an open mind. Keep badges, partners, and the low damage numbers, at the very least.

Maybe instead of Wonderguard, have it like M&L where all moves are technically avoidable with unique inputs? Just one idea.
The game has picked up since I last complained in this thread... while at the same time coming to a screeching halt. Chapter 5 and 6 were much faster paced and the game really picked up writing and difficulty wise. After chapter 6 I also did the pit of 100 trials and got all the way through it. I've hit 87 badge points and I feel pretty much unstoppable... And that's a problem again. I don't get any more than 1 exp orb per fight unless it's from a boss or the golden flower dudes so I've just begun ignoring all the fights again... Chapter 7 has been pretty annoying to get through bc of this, as the corridors being so small basically force you to engage with enemies and to me it's just wasting my time. This game feels like a roller coaster where I'm spending most of my time on the chain being slowly dragged up, then I shoot straight down as some cool stuff happens and then its a slow climb until the next climax.
The game has picked up since I last complained in this thread... while at the same time coming to a screeching halt. Chapter 5 and 6 were much faster paced and the game really picked up writing and difficulty wise. After chapter 6 I also did the pit of 100 trials and got all the way through it. I've hit 87 badge points and I feel pretty much unstoppable... And that's a problem again. I don't get any more than 1 exp orb per fight unless it's from a boss or the golden flower dudes so I've just begun ignoring all the fights again... Chapter 7 has been pretty annoying to get through bc of this, as the corridors being so small basically force you to engage with enemies and to me it's just wasting my time. This game feels like a roller coaster where I'm spending most of my time on the chain being slowly dragged up, then I shoot straight down as some cool stuff happens and then its a slow climb until the next climax.
If you did the Pit you might want to throw on Bump Attack and skip fighting entirely. If you do it before the main story is over the level / difficulty curve is shot for the rest of the game and very little will be challenging again. I think someone mentioned here the GameCube version only gave 1 XP per fight, so yeah that’s definitely a change that’s disappointing if you just wanted to take on the toughest challenge as early as possible so it would be as tough as possible.

Personally I like fighting well enough, so I turned off First Attack for Chapters 7 and 8 after running the Pit early and some enemies still gave 2 or 3 XP at least which made them more worth it for me.
I think someone mentioned here the GameCube version only gave 1 XP per fight, so yeah that’s definitely a change that’s disappointing if you just wanted to take on the toughest challenge as early as possible so it would be as tough as possible.
Nah, that was a problem with the old Pit of 100 trials too. The only major balance changes to the Pit are a mover to floor 50 being added to the starting area if you clear it once and they added coin rewards to the Pit's roster making it the best money farm in the game.

Charlieton also sells different items in the pit although still at a massive markup.
Nah, that was a problem with the old Pit of 100 trials too. The only major balance changes to the Pit are a mover to floor 50 being added to the starting area if you clear it once and they added coin rewards to the Pit's roster making it the best money farm in the game.

Charlieton also sells different items in the pit although still at a massive markup.
Ah thanks. I feel like I’ve only ever run the full pit twice and the last time was 20 years ago. I guess the best solution then would be a no XP badge for people who want that. They already have a you take double damage badge, so it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibilities though I don’t expect them to add anything extra here.
Beat the Pit of 100 Trials at midnight on the dot last night, pre-chapter 7. First time I've ever been able to do so in the 20 years that this game has been one of my all-time favorites :')

Granted, I've only tried twice before when I was much younger, but now that I really experimented with BP, it was exhilarating. Badge comp was something like Power Plus, Defense Plus, Power Plus P, Spike Shield, Jumpman, the Ice badge that lets you jump on flaming enemies (on and off as needed), Lucky Day, Quick Change, Flower Finder, Heart Finder, Power Bounce, Multibounce, and a handful of Close Call/Danger Mario-esque badges for Mario and partners.

I also lucked out tremendously and got movers on floor 82 and floor 94...yes, I skipped 5 of the last 10 floors. Shame me if you must. But I'll be back down here anyway during the post-game for
Whacka's boss fight
so I'll play fair and square then by doing all of the final 10 floors.

The boss was definitely tough -- I went through two life shrooms for Mario and Goombella because I was frozen by stage hazards THREE TIMES lol -- but it was an awesome, mostly fair challenge, with a great gag at the end of the fight and a prize that could be interesting to experiment with...

Anyway, definitely gonna equip bump attack now that I leveled up like 6-7 times during this run-through 😅
Just found out that (Pit of 100 Trials spoilers) Bonetail is now referred to as Hooktail’s older sister in this version, not her older brother as was the case in the original English localization.

I guess you could say…big brother is now big sister! Even better!
I started and finished Chapter 4 and the Trouble Center requests afterwards tonight. Still my favorite chapter of the game. I was concerned walking in hearing about a new warp pipe as I think the way the game forces you to run through that path frequently especially as the story plays out is a big part of the appeal (and yes I know that’s why others hate it lol). Where it is, right after getting the big item that puts you back on the offensive, is largely positive as it maintains what I like most about that chapter and at least for me hit when XP drops became less valuable. I guess I wonder what impact it’d have for first time players if that chapter would hit as hard, as one of the most memorable things games can do is inconvenience you, but for a personal replay I was happy to get right to the boss fight at that point. Anyway very happy to have my favorite character with me as I start the back half of the game.
As someone who just finished the game for the first time with chapter 4 ending up as my favourite chapter, I feel like it was just right this way. First time there is, nice spooky vibes, second time was also cool because of the solo Mario situation (I liked the extra challenge of not having a partner) and the third time was with Vivian which was also cool to see her abilities. I think having to go through the forest a fourth time would have been a bit too much, but this way was perfectly fine and really felt like a journey to me.
As someone who just finished the game for the first time with chapter 4 ending up as my favourite chapter, I feel like it was just right this way. First time there is, nice spooky vibes, second time was also cool because of the solo Mario situation (I liked the extra challenge of not having a partner) and the third time was with Vivian which was also cool to see her abilities. I think having to go through the forest a fourth time would have been a bit too much, but this way was perfectly fine and really felt like a journey to me.
It's actually five times in the original, because once you get what you need with Vivian you just walk back to town and then walk right back lol. I think there was something unique about walking up and down the trail so many times not really sure what you were going to accomplish on the other end of it, but 5 total walks through it was probably a bit much (and that's not even counting the initial half walk down and back for the store key the first time). It's also nice to have the pipe if you missed any items at the Steeple.
Just beat the game and really enjoyed it! I understand why so many hold TTYD in high regards. The weirdness of early 2000s Mario era really shines through and I though the story/writing was really well done (I especially loved the partners). Definitely glad I gave this a shot after not liking Mario RPG and dropping off of Origami King, really hope they make another like this one.
Just beat the game for the first time this morning! Happy to finally have played this after I discovered the franchise 10 years ago. Chapter 4, the xnaut fortress and chapter 8 were my favourites. The final dungeon was really solid and meaty.

I basically agree with the average opinion on the game in that the level design is a bit too basic, but the story, characters, battle system and music are all top notch.

It's nice to have experienced another of the classic Paper Marios and it kinda got me wanting to replay 64 again. That said, I'm also looking forward to the next installment of the franchise, no matter which direction it takes tbh but I'll only really be satisfied with Paper Luigi

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