Discussion I wish we got the Luigi’s Mansion 1 3DS version remastered for Switch


I have no interest in re-buying LM2.

I know it’s probably not meant for folks like me, it’s to capitalize on LM3’s massive sales.

However, I feel like the original Luigi’s Mansion would’ve filled this spot just as well, and is much different tone wise from the other two, whereas I feel like LM2 is just a worse LM3 in a lot of ways
The atmosphere and artstyle of the first one is my favorite. It kind of looks resident evilish
I have been asking exactly for this!! Remaster the 3DS remake of Luigi's Mansion 1 for Switch. This means it'll already have amiibo support, co-op support (perfect for 2 Joy-Cons!), adjusting existing content - especially the harder Hidden Mansion mode, gyro for the Gameboy Horror, option for normal flashlight or LM2/LM3 strobulb, etc.
This stuff would be perfect on Switch.
I am in a similar boat, yeah. LM2 is definitely my personal least-favorite in the series. I do appreciate having a way to play it that doesn't require getting out my 3DS (and lord knows using a pro controller will be much more comfortable as well), but even a HAGI port of the Gamecube LM1 would have been more exciting to me. I didn't pick up the 3DS remake of 1, so having a way to play it now would have been amazing.

It especially stings since it doesn't seem like they are really adding anything to LM2. Unless they're hiding it or something.
For what it’s worth we still might
If it happens at all, I think we’ll probably just get the GC version ported (like Pikmin 1)

which is honestly quite a bit unfortunate to me as the 3DS one legitimately made a lot of nice QOL that went under the radar because no one cared about the 3DS anymore by that time.

Plus it was updated with Luigi’s new model along the lines of the newer entries, which I really do prefer to his dopey, off-brand looking model from the original.
You could even use the strobulb from the newer games as a control option! That’s really cool imo
Meh. Always saw LM1 as just a souped up tech demo for the GC rather than a fully realized game. It never lived up to its full potential which was almost limitless, It was overly easy, short, shallow, and repetitive. LM2 is a worse version of LM3 but even a worse version of LM3 is better than a frankly mediocre launch title tech demo.

It has neat atmosphere (Which is lost on the 3DS version btw) but other than that it's nothing really remarkable. Weakest 1st party Nintendo game on the GC by a mile.
The original version is so much prettier, I really can't prefer the 3DS version
Meh. Always saw LM1 as just a souped up tech demo for the GC rather than a fully realized game. It never lived up to its full potential which was almost limitless, It was overly easy, short, shallow, and repetitive. LM2 is a worse version of LM3 but even a worse version of LM3 is better than a frankly mediocre launch title tech demo.

It has neat atmosphere (Which is lost on the 3DS version btw) but other than that it's nothing really remarkable. Weakest 1st party Nintendo game on the GC by a mile.
which is why they would have made a perfect 1+2 combo pack D:
Would’ve been leagues better then Luigis Mansion 2, still don’t get why Nintendo went with that one over the much shorter and more popular first game
Vastly prefer the original over the 3DS port. The lightning was way worse imo. The GC game was perfect. Hopefully we will get a port of the GC one.
Yeah, I'd prefer it over the original GameCube game; The 3DS version seemed like it was made to be underappreciated, unfortunately... and they missed this great opportunity to bundle it with the LM2 remaster they are doing...

but who knows.. we got DKCR HD with the 3DS content after all.. maybe that's next on Forever Entertainement's schedule.
I wish Luigi's Mansion 1, too to have the complete collection on same console, Switch.... But I think it won't happen :(
It's a shame that it wasnt a double pack together with LM2HD, I'd have got that immediately. As it is I'm content with LM2 on 3DS.
I remember being annoyed with the LM port announcement on 3DS after Switch was already out that I pulled out my Gamecube just to replay the game out of spite on a TV.

I'm sure the port will come eventually, and maybe if we're lucky it'll be the Gamecube base with QoL from the 3DS added in, but as long as it's the Gamecube SKU as the base I'll take what I can get.
Luigi's Mansion 1 needs a full remake staying as close to the original visually as possible, while adding in the new stuff from the 3DS game. Between the weaker hardware on the 3DS and trying to make the game fit in more with the Mario universe, the mansion in the 3ds version is not nearly as ominous. The GC mansion is some evil shit. It may not be a scary game, but the mansion has an presence and aura that I haven't really seen from another game. The original mansion almost looks like a person to me on the outside, the opening cutscene to LM1 is just ominous as it stares you down. I'd love for 4 to go back to that more realistic style rather than the angular stuff they got in 2 and 3. That style is good, but the atmosphere just ain't there.
i think theyre going to pull the same thing they did with the 3ds version. port to the switch and we'll all be pissed it didnt go to switch 2
I really don't like what they did to the Ghost Designs in Luigis Mansion 2. The Ghosts in the og game are soooooooo much better...

I hope they port the first agme too.
Absolutely adore the og GameCube experience of Luigi’s Mansion! I just love the vibe- the realistic looking textures had a nice juxtaposition with the cartoony Mario characters and it did feel genuinely a little bit creepy, all of which feels a little lost in the 3DS port. I like 2 & 3 a lot but Next Level just seem unable to recreate that same vibe… but I’ll admit I couldn’t resist grabbing the hd port of 2 to play this weekend and I’m having a blast.
I don't. I want just the GameCube one, but emulated on Switch. It's got perfect vibes!

I played through it again last year and still just had a ton of fun despite how short and easy it is. I got the best mansion for the first time last I beat it; maybe I should try the Hidden Mansion next...
I just beat the first one for the first time on 3ds last October. It was okay, tbh I liked 3 more but both games have some pretty serious issues. I have a sealed 3ds copy of dark moon on my shelf, tbh if I wanted to play 2 enougb ill just play that
I have no interest in re-buying LM2.

I know it’s probably not meant for folks like me, it’s to capitalize on LM3’s massive sales.

However, I feel like the original Luigi’s Mansion would’ve filled this spot just as well, and is much different tone wise from the other two, whereas I feel like LM2 is just a worse LM3 in a lot of ways
If that's not a secret October game, this year, it will probably be the Original Switch-release remaster for 2025.
I would love if it got remastered as I've never played it. I went with Rogue Squadron 2 as my launch title and I never ended up getting it 🤭
I'll rent 2 HD through GameFly.
Nintendo works in mysterious ways.
Objection 😸

Nintendo has generally been quite predictable in most instances for this generation and it is absolutely the fanbase with irrational thoughts and expectations that is working in mysterious ways.
(I am not talking about you specifically here).

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