Fun Club How many games have you finished five or more times?

How many games have you beaten five times or more?

  • None

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • 1-5

    Votes: 42 41.6%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • 10+

    Votes: 34 33.7%

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During the NES and SNES era I finished a lot of games more than 5 times. But starting with the N64 era until today, I've never finished a game more than once except with Resident Evil 4.
I cannot think of a single one. The most I beaten a game is two/three times I believe, amd that is quite unusual. I just do not have the time to replay stuff as much as I would like to.
And when I was a kid I restarted games quite a bit but I rarely beat them. Also, I got my first console relatively late, so that plays into accouny as well.
I wouldn't be surprised if I hit 5 in a Pokemon game as a kid, but I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't either, I definitely spent more time playing the same file than starting the same version over. If you count RSE as different versions of the same game then that probably counts.

Definitely more than 5 for all the Donkey Kong Country games, probably double digits for most.

Maybe New Super Mario Bros.? Mario 64? They're at least close.

I've played Super Metroid and Zero Mission at least five times for sure, maybe Fusion squeaks in there too.

Between the different versions I've probably hit 5 in Ocarina of Time, because I played 3D alone at least three times, plus a fourth for Master Quest.

Kirby Super Star would not be my first thought, but I must have accumulated at least 5 playthroughs of that due to growing up with the DS version.

If we count more arcade-style games that are like 30 minutes or less this becomes plain unfair though. I've definitely done Star Fox 64 more than 5 times, and I've beaten Touhou 3 alone at least 20 times. I've probably played one of these at least 5 times in a single night on some occasion or other.
I'd say I've beaten a fair few Nintendo games 4 times, but getting to 5 is tough.

Only ones I can think of are:
-Metroid Prime
-Zelda Ocarina of Time
-Star Fox 64

No surprise that
a) all these games came out when I was young and had a ton of free time to replay my favourites, and
b) all three games had ports/remasters which is a major reason I would have replayed them again as an adult.

But the fact that it's the same games showing up again and again in these lists really shows their quality. You can make all the emotional or logical arguments you want as to a game's quality, but what people choose to spend their time with again and again is a kind of hard truth. Time is precious.
All games in Super Mario All-Stars (SMB, SMB Lost Levels, SMB2, SMB3)
Super Mario World
Super Mario 64 DS
Pokemon: Yellow, Silver, Firered, Emerald, Pearl, Platinum
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks
GTA San Andreas
Super Smash Bros Brawl (Replayed the Subspace Emissary story quite a lot)
TES Skyrim (Of course, I haven't done all side missions every time, but I went back to this game so many times that I just had to mention it here)
Terraria (Well, okay you can't really finish a sandbox game, but I replayed it, beat all the bosses and unlocked all NPCs whenever a major update came out)

I replayed games a lot when I was younger and only had so much to choose from.
But now I have more hobbies and things I want to learn or do besides gaming, so I try to carefully pick what I play and then try to see everything within one playthrough. Though I do prefer taking my time on one save file instead of rush and replay.
Yeah this was common as a child because a lot of people didn't really had the funds to keep buying games. Most of the games I mentioned were pretty much the only ones I only had. Like Mario 64 or Super Metroid, they are good games, but were also the only games I had for the console (since they were really expensive here and other games I rented them) so, of course, I replayed them a lot
If we're talking 5+ times, only old Pokemon games come to mind. Gens 1-3, specifically.

I haven't crossed 5 even with some of my all time favorites. My personal GOAT game is Metroid Prime, and I think I have only done 3 full playthroughs of it.
Super Mario Bros 3, easily. That was my favorite NES game.

Kirby's Dreamland. For 6 years old me, it only took 50 minutes to beat and I loved it, so yeah I have beaten that one many times.

Ocarina of Time, many many times if we count the multiple versions (N64, GC through both Wind Waker and the collection, 3DS, Virtual Console...)

Super Mario Galaxy IF we count the Luigi run as a whole another run. Did the Mario & Luigi run on both Wii and Switch, and probably another few times a Mario run.

FF14 A Realm Reborn (up to the end of 2.0, not 2.1 onward) through multiple characters. Not 5 times, but 4, but I figured this would count given how long it is.

And many many arcade games.
I dunno like 50? LOL

When you only have so many games growing up, and it's your favorite hobby, you tend to replay the same stuff over and over. I think Ocarina of Time alone I've played from start to finish over 20 times alone.

All the Kirby SNES games
All the Zelda games except the DS ones and the open air ones
All Mario 3D and several 2D ones
Super Bomberman 1 & 2, Bomberman 64 and Bomberman Hero
Digimon World
The entire mainline Metroid Series save Other M
Final Fantasy 1, 7, 8, 9, and 10
Pikmin 1 & 2
Dragon Quest 1-3
and definitely many more that I'm forgetting.

EDIT: Several indie games I've beaten many times over as well, like Cave Story.
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Hmm...not too many but

Rayman 2
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sonic CD
Sonic Mania

If I were to do two more playthroughs of Bayonetta 2 it would be up there.
I replay games a lot, but 5+ times is actually quite rare for me, it'd be some Pokemon titles, Mass Effect 1, Resident Evil 4, Dark Souls 1 & 3 and Super Mario 3 of the top of my head.

Lower that number 3 playthroughs and it skyrockets, there's games I've played 3 times over for ending trophies alone.
Looking at my list... Pikmin 2, Paper Mario TTYD, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Zelda Twilight Princess, BioShock, Bayo 2, Fire Emblem Three Houses (I can't believe this one, but I definitely completed the four routes + an "ultimate" Silver Snow one) and DOOM Eternal.

Not completely sure but those few I definitely squished to the last drop lol
Mario 64, Crash 3, Spyro 2/3, Ratchet 2/3/(maybe gladiator???), THPS1/2/THUG2, Alltp/OoT/MM/WW/TP, Pokemon Gen1/2/3/4/5, Super Metroid/Zero Mission, Slay the spire Act 4, Enter the gaugeon litch, each smash for at least 1-200 hours, brawl specifically like 600. Sonic 2/3, Chrono trigger, NSMBWii, Probably more.
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Donkey Kong 64
Jet Force Gemini
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Sunshine
Paper Mario
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Wario Land II
Pokemon Blue
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon Colloseum
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Pikachu Step Counter
Bomberman Hero
Dragon Quest Monsters II (gbc)
Dragon Quest Builders
Diablo II

Damn I keep thinking of more... Maybe I'll return later
Ooh. Good question! I think they are:

Super Mario Bros 3
Double Dragon II
Captain Tsubasa II
Captain Tsubasa
Super Mario 3D World
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario World
TMNT 1-3
Sonic the hedgehog 1-3
Double Dragon Neon
Final Fantasy X
The Messenger

There may be more, but these are what I remember now.
I actually have a funny quirk about this, where I hate redoing any sort of entertainment. I don’t replay games I’ve finished, rewatch movies or reread books (except for academic research) - unless it’s been a very long time since I played/watched/read up to a point where I’ve forgotten at least significant amounts of the content. I don’t know what it is, it just annoys me to retrace something I know for some reason. It’s a source of great confusion to my wife who reads the same books like five times in a row before putting them down and wants to watch the same movies every holiday season. I probably haven’t beaten any game more often than once since I was a kid but then I kind of had to do it just due to the limited size of my library. But I sure as heck beat stuff like Pokémon RBY and the PS1 Crash and Spyro trilogies a bazillion times..
Depending on how you define “finish”, Civilization 2, 4, 5, and 6 are all pretty easily covered. Throw in the Mario platformers, Zelda games, and some old favorites like TTYD and Luigi’s mansion, and I imagine I’m comfortably over 10.
Ouf you reminded me of Civilization. I must've finished Civ 3 many times. Back in my Uni days (early 2000s).
Basically every game I had prior to… 2003 or so. Even the shitty ones. I must’ve finished Gex 3 at least 3 times.
I loved Gex and his corny jokes.

You guys finish games?

Honestly can't think of a single game I've beaten 5 times, let alone more.
You must be young. Notice most of the games mentioned are from the 80s-90s. Back then we had no PS Plus or Game Pass subs. We had the 1-3 games we got for our birthdays/holidays/achievements that we played all year. Not much choice but to replay them, again and again, and we did so with joy because they were good, fun and short.

We'd swap games with our friends from time to time to play "new" games, but that was it.
Mario 1~4
Star Fox
Super metroid
Sin & punishment.
Maybe donkey Kong country.

Newer games are too long for that.
I'm probably missing a bunch, but off the top of my head:

Metroid II Return of Samus, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Dread, Metroid Prime, Echoes, Corruption
God of War (2005), God of War II, God of War 3, God of War: Ascension
Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Mega Man 4
Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy
Metal Gear Solid, Sons of Liberty, Snake Eater, Guns of the Patriots
Resident Evil (2002), RE2 (OG), RE3 (OG), RE4 (OG)
Donkey Kong Country Returns, Tropical Freeze
You must be young. Notice most of the games mentioned are from the 80s-90s. Back then we had no PS Plus or Game Pass subs. We had the 1-3 games we got for our birthdays/holidays/achievements that we played all year. Not much choice but to replay them, again and again, and we did so with joy because they were good, fun and short.

We'd swap games with our friends from time to time to play "new" games, but that was it.
I had all Nintendo home consoles in ordered. Started out with NES/SNES. Never finished any of those games because I wasn't really a thinker/reader when it came to games back then. Moved on to N64. Beat games like SM64 and DK64 back then (but put HOURS into those games). Was always somewhat of a generation behind until 3DS/Wii U when I started buying my own consoles and games. I was a "used game every few months" kid because of that. I restarted/replayed games plenty of times, just not to completion, and definitely not 5+ times.
I'm not sure if I've actually beaten a game 5 or more times... BUT if I ever did it'd be one of the following:
  • Mega Man X.
  • Chrono Trigger (actually, if we count the silly endings in New Game Plus then definitely this one).
  • Donkey Kong Country 2.
  • Super Mario 64.
Technically I could count Hades here since I've "beaten the game" (as in, beating the final boss) like 40 times, but eh.

I'm not really the kind of person that replays many games. I can probably count the games I've played more than once in the last 15 years with one hand...
Super Mario World (incl x1 SMA2)
Super Metroid
Super Mario 64 (incl x1 or x2 DS)
Pokémon Red/Blue (up to Champion)
Pokémon Emerald (up to Champion)
Possibly Super Mario Galaxy? (incl x1 Luigi)
Pokémon Platinum (up to Champion)
Victoria 2 (up to 1936 finish)

I used to replay games a lot more when I was younger but I haven’t done that in a while beyond some of the ones on the above list, mostly because I usually force myself to try new things instead of sticking with what I know. I only usually replay games nowadays if it has multiple endings (ex: most SMT games; I’ve done four playthroughs of the first Devil Survivor, for example, getting every ending except Naoya’s).

There’s a few visual novels with >=5 endings that I’ve finished as well (CLANNAD, Little Busters, Tsukihime, etc.), but I wouldn’t really count those since “completing the game” to me for those is getting every ending.
I'll echo the sentiments that as a child without disposable income I reread/replayed everything I had... although I guess that was mitigated a bit by the fact that I didn't actually have the skills to finish my games until I was a teenager. In the last 15 years, everything would come in at 2-4 replays at most. (I'm only counting linear stuff here, playing through to get a different ending isn't really "finishing it again") I can guarantee that the following have exceeded 5 completions:
  • The Simpsons: Hit and Run
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
  • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
  • Banjo-Kazooie
  • Banjo-Tooie
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  • Mario Party
  • Pokémon Snap
  • Kirby Super Star
  • Scribblenauts
  • I cleared the debt in Pikmin 2 a dozen times, but never did the Wistful Wild
So yeah, at least 10. I know I used to replay Pokémon campaigns through to the Elite Four prior to 2010, but I can't specifically recall any of them exceeding 4 times. I don't think it's a stretch to say that this will naturally trend downward for future generations with the entrenchment of "endless" games.
Depends on how you define finishing. I've played through a lot of arcade mode fighting games and a few shmups a few times, but for fighting games I usually considering "finishing" some other criteria and the shmups I never 1CCed. The only more traditional console style games I think I've done this with are Super Mario World, Kirby's Adventure, and the Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan trilogy. I've also played the first 20 or so chapters of Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade probably well over 25 times, but as a kid I always quit after that.

I've also done this with the first two gens of Pokemon I think? But just barely, it's probably just about 5 exactly.
Hmm... good question. I don't usually replay games, especially these days when they're so long. Definitely more as a kid I would've.

Pokemon Yellow
Zelda OoT
Banjo Kazooie
Smash Melee (I'm not sure why? But i have multiple memories of trying to unlock mewtwo and game and watch 😆)
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon g/s/c
Zelda MM
Zelda WW
Zelda TP
Zelda LTTP
Yoshis island
Kirbys adventure
Mario 64
I don't even want to list it, we mainly played a lot of the same games on shared copies, over and over and over hahaha

Even as an adult there's too many to list, I enjoy an enjoyable game I've played before to new ones a fair amount of the time.

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