TV Doctor Who ST | This Thread Is Bigger On The Inside

I was thinking it strange that the look of the animated reconstructions can vary so much, but looking up more info I see they haven't exactly been done by a consistent group.
Announcement is not out yet, but it seems that RareWaves has accidentally leaked that the next set in The Collection range is going to be Season 7!
Announcement is not out yet, but it seems that RareWaves has accidentally leaked that the next set in The Collection range is going to be Season 7!
Yeah, this was a sort of open secret ever since one of the people involved in the range was trying to be cute on Twitter by posting a script... which accidentally had hints towards Season 7 :D

Very happy though, Pertwee is among my favourite Classic Doctors and I'm dying for stuff like Spearhead and Inferno in glorious HD!
Official announcement 🥰

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The War Games in Color pretty much confirmed that the War Chief is the Master.

Though they should have regenerated Throughton into Jo Martin. Cowards!
Nah, as much as her Doctor is amazing, I genuinely prefer her to have the option be there that she's an alternate timeline/universe Doctor rather than our Doctor.
Hell, with Davies including the Shalka Doctor in Season One, it made it even more likely rather than forcing her anywhere in the timeline and still have it somewhat make sense.
Still, it's all up in the air what they'll exactly plan on doing (or just leaving it be) with her, Big Finish has already confirmed any content with her will be pre-series 12, so that'll all be whatever.
AU Doctor is also an option. I just don't want a pre-Hartnell Doctor, and The War Game colourization was an opportunity to set for 6B (6C?).

I'm fine with a pre-Hartnell incarnation of the Time Lord later called The Doctor, btw. But Hartnell should be the First Doctor. The one who made the promise, stole the TARDIS and ran away.
Really enjoyed 'Joy to the World', fun episode, some pacing issues and the usual Doctor angst is a bit blegh, but it's a real fun and solid episode.
But I will say, the ending, while I have no doubt whatsoever is well meant. Perhaps it was not the the best idea considering real world happenings at this very moment.
For some reason Moffat and Davies figured it was a good idea to canonize covid (something I was very happy about that Chibnall avoided completely).
But at the same time, they completely ignore what's going on in the middle east which their own government not only fully supports, but actively participate in.
It's rough, extremely rough if you ask me. But alas...
I enjoyed some of the very Moffat-y use of time like a train in one time period being used to pull an object in another time period, but also the core problem of the episode didn't make much sense to me. So you're Villengard, the biggest weapons corporation history has ever known apparently, in a time and place where time travel is possible... and the only way you have to access time is a single hotel? OK, but even if that's the case, can't you just send your agent to drop off your package in one room and pick it up in another, without the convoluted system of psychically controlled dying middlemen?
No worries, the UK was the news everywhere when their parties leaked out, especially when that picture of the Queen was used as a contrast.
I didn't care much for that, really. I mean, I know those partiers were shitheads, but I didn't like that "Because of parties, obviously precautions weren't important, and therefore I'm a bad daughter for complying with them" went unchallenged.
Unpopular opinion: I actually love the music skits they added to Gatwa's Doctor. Not sure if it's Disney's influence, but those songs are surprisingly catchy.

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