based on things like reporting and job listings, and bearing in mind that 9 times out of 10 "multiplayer"="live-service" these daysThey already did, just in less than 12 months we've got:
-Factions cancelled.
-London Studio closed, the last thing they were working on was an online title.
-Twisted Metal Project got tossed around from Lucid Games to Firesprite but never got into full production.
-Spider-Man MP game(Although, from what I gathered from the Insomniac leak, it was barely more than a pitch before it got canned)
I'm sure some were cancelled before we know their existence, so what's left?
We know of
The Monster Hunter-like Horizon MP project
Maybe one or two more games?
- Bend is working on a new IP and job listings were looking for people with live-service experience
- Insomniac was hiring for a new multiplayer IP not that long ago
- Sucker-Punch was hiring for a multiplayer project
TBH it does kinda feel like Sony leadership was encouraging or incentivizing every one of their 1st party studios to pitch or workshop a live-service/GaaS project a few years ago; wouldn't be shocked if it turns out Bluepoint, Housemarque, and Santa Monica also are working or were working on something to that effect