Discussion Concord sales ceasing immediately, game will be taken offline on September 6th, all customers getting refunded


I remember this blowing my mind at the time, but this Concord news might just take the cake.
See this one at least made some degree of "okay this is dumb but I see how the stars aligned". That game was originally intended to be given a global launch alongside the JP version, but something went wrong with localization and it took them 10 months... right about a month before the Japanese game EOSed.

Concord doesn't even have that excuse.
I'm not sure this is the biggest flop in the history of games, but this is an insane result. Outside of paying people money to play it, I can't see how this game can be turned around.
The hate campaign against this was a drop in the bucket compared to all the other reasons why it failed. Nobody was interested or excited for this game even remotely. I feel deflecting to chuds crying about diversity is a bit of a misdirection. This is a game being soundly, utterly rejected, and Sony poured endless resources into a dead end. They are the ones to blame and nobody else.
The thing that confuses me is that what did Herman hulst see in this game?

He probably played it and higher up Sony decided to buy the Studio, I’m curios if there was one guy who desperately tried telling everyone it’s a horrendous idea.

What Jim Ryan has done to PlayStation is insane, mostly because how many studios were held up by creating live service game, it still pains me that ND next game might be a cross gen title or a PS6 exclusive.
I think people hoping for a this to be a watershed moment leading to the death of GAAS are going to be disappointed when we've seen Helldivers II, Deadlock and Marvel Rivals all achieving positive word of mouth and/or financial success in this same year. I think Concord was just an unfortunate combination of:
  • Being in a cramped genre which many in the gaming community are - shall we say - lukewarm on.
  • Having a fairly bland artstyle that didn't catch the eye or encourage engagement
  • Prioritising story when when GAAS audiences have demonstrably proven they don't care for one in these games
  • An up front cost when its competitors are all F2P
  • Poor marketing from Sony
  • A hate campaign from the usual internet muck-grunters.
What this will do is tighten a lot of belts across the board, and make publishers even more risk averse. No-one will want a Concord sized flop on their hands, either financially or reputationally. They'll fall back once again on their tried and true franchises. It's certainly not going to make publishers go 'well looks like that's it for GAAS, back to cinematic story driven single players again.' But they will be much choosier when deciding which multiplayer projects to greenlight going forward.

Yeah GAAS isn't going nowhere lol. Marvel Rivals is actually pretty fun and has its own mechanics.

Whether one is interested in those games or not, at least hope it's good instead of average or mediocre that isn't anything new or fresh.
I think there's a slim chance for survival but it probably still involves hefty layoffs and getting thrown in the support mines for other PS studio games (I hear Destiny could probably use some extra hands...)
The pressure must be enormous on Bungie now, one reason Sony bought Bungie was that they saw Bungie as a studio capable of helping other Sony studios learn from them how to make succesful GAAS games, so if Bungie themselves fail in making succesful GAAS in the future they will be totally discredited.
Gotta feel bad for the dev team, what an absolute disaster. I feel like even the most pessimistic predictions didn't have it flop this hard. Curious if they're actually going to bother turning it F2P, might be better to just cut their losses and work on more promising projects.
Next we have fairgame

God…. This is probably one of the craziest news I’ve seen in a while, I’m curios of Sony gonna explain to investors that they lost 100M-200M dollars.
Lowkey must suck having Concord in your portfolio.

,,So you worked at Sony for 5 years, how impressive, can you say which game you worked on?’’

Nah, you'll get hired out of pity.

No but for real, it's not like the game was bad. If you were a programmer or 3D modeler or sound designer or whatever, that's going to look good on your portfolio.
The thing there’s currently 38 people playing Concord on PC.

This game financial failure is one of a kind, the crazy part is that a Visual Novel that Nintendo paid a half open Cheeto bag is gonna outsell Concord.
That is insane to think about on multiple levels. I can't think of the last time a game has flopped this. Didn't even know these kind of numbers were possible from the bigger publisher
That is insane to think about on multiple levels. I can't think of the last time a game has flopped this. Didn't even know these kind of numbers were possible from the bigger publisher
What make this crazy, is that this is a first party game.

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This might genuinely be the biggest first party failure in years
The way dring snuck in NES roms and comparing it to these two bombs is crazy 😭🙏.

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NES World Championship was #6 in the US last month on physical alone, it did pretty well for what it is.
The sad thing is that this isn’t the end, since didn’t Sony announced that we’ll see about 5 more live service games?

Also I’m guessing that Bungie is a wild card, since they are in a bit of trouble.

Crazy year for Sony, saw some of the biggest high with Helldiver 2 and biggest lows with FF7R and Concord in sales.
Oh you wish, they planned for 13 live service games to release up to 2026, and we’re technically at 3 with concord now (helldivers2, factions got cancelled and now concord), up next we have fairgame$ and marathon and then another 8 live service games left to see.

Actually it’s worse, they planned for 12 live service games to release by 2025, and then delayed half of them so they’re planning to release 4 more by next year while the rest who knows.
The way dring snuck in NES roms and comparing it to these two bombs is crazy 😭🙏.

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the irony of him of all people pulling that

awful engagement bait, as per usual
See this one at least made some degree of "okay this is dumb but I see how the stars aligned". That game was originally intended to be given a global launch alongside the JP version, but something went wrong with localization and it took them 10 months... right about a month before the Japanese game EOSed.

Concord doesn't even have that excuse.
I actually didn’t even know exactly what happened I just remember seeing that and thinking ‘Wait….huh?’ - but now that I understand why that happened, I do feel bad for making the comparison.
Oh dear, that's not good.

I remember the last gane that fell spectacularly short of expectations in camp Sony, and what happened to the studio as a result.

Not good news at all.
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Here's the thing. Concord on paper has strong gameplay mechanics and is content complete, but it's also extremely over-engineered.

They very clearly built this to be a AAA-level live experience from day one with multiple game modes, high end graphics (Motion capture), a ton of story building and a long term plan.

Sure, that's important, and definitely a criticism of many live service games not being polished or forward looking enough, but they seem to have missed on everything else and they focused on the wrong things in terms of their long term plan.

To put it simply, the game failed to give hero shooter players a reason to switch from their existing game, or other players a reason to try it out. The game itself wasn't necessarily innovative and the character designs were uninspired. It didn't stand out and felt stuck in the OW1 era.

The marketing was also a miss with the only real info about the game dropping a few months before launch. A community driven approach may have played out better and led to changes prior to releases.

Combine all of the above, throw the $40 upfront cost on top, and it's no wonder no one purchased it. There's clearly a talented team here, but it's also clear why Sony just made the decision they did. At this point I don't think Concord can make a come back.
The way dring snuck in NES roms and comparing it to these two bombs is crazy 😭🙏.

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Imagine comparing a couple of NES roms to a 100-150 million dollars game. Not only that but NWC might have sold 10 times what Concord have. Absolute pathetic tweet.
My jaw dropped. God, this is almost endlessly fascinating. This game is going to be mentioned in gaming investment circles and pitch rooms for the next decade, minimum.

And I don't think it's a dev issue - by all accounts the game was perfectly competent, enough so that you'd think it would garner enough players to sustain it while they work out the kinks, like most PvP games do - for example removing the requirement to change characters or whatever else reviews focused on as negatives. Because as a non-multiplayer guy looking at vids of it, it looks no better or worse than any other such game, and many reviews were quite glowing about the gunplay, which seems like it should be the most important part.

And I hope that will stand to the devs - this was a properly made game that was a failure of concept and marketing, not execution. It reminds me of Federation Force, where Next Level was handed a shit concept, and did it as well as it could have possibly been done. The game still failed because the concept was shit and the marketing was shit, and both games even took similar criticism on art style. From the moment both games were revealed, people said "No, we do not want this. Go away." How well the idea was executed was then irrelevant. Incredibly, even the forum titles and sales numbers guesstimates are similar: Federation Force Global Sales less than 30,000

Obviously charging full price for a game that the market now expects to be free is a big deal, but the two things that stand out to me that haven't been mentioned as much are:
Sony's fans failing to turn up. I think Sony would have assumed that they had over the past decade created an audience of hundreds of thousands of fans who will try almost any competently made first party game on trust and loyalty. People clowned on Days Gone, but on release it sold like crazy. But in reality, the loyal first party fanbase Sony has cultivated is one that's there for prestigious narrative single player games, super-hero single player games and classic PS-style platformers. That's it. It doesn't extend outside of that. For there to be only 25k Sony fans willing to try this out - I will be honest, I never would have predicted it.

Secondly is something we've known for years, but these games live and die by their character designs and you simply can't afford to get them wrong. It is the primary factor. You have to be almost ruthlessly focused on pleasing the largest segment of your audience with these, even if it's unpleasant to do so. There are countless gatchas that thrive on having people pull for limited time summer swimsuits for teenage girl characters. There are others - including Genshin Impact - that survive by getting people to roll in the hopes of getting a cute pale little girl on their team. Enormous amounts of cute little girl characters that would make you very uncomfortable with their intended audience. There are endless versions of these archetypes in gatchas - one of the reason I don't play any. It feels somewhat disgusting but it's a successful business model.

But you can't go with "modern, realistic, diverse". That doesn't work for the audience, not for this genre in particular imo. You need "outrageously hot, ludicrously cool, stupidly edgy" - lowest common denominator stuff. You need designs where losers on twitter immediately start saying "This is my wife. Do not talk to her" and posting lewd fan art. Remember the Overwatch launch trailer? The moment I saw Tracer appear, I thought "whatever this is, it's going to be a success". Unfortunately it was a PvP game, so it wasn't for me. But people have been obsessed with those characters for almost a decade. Those designs were almost immediately beloved. The initial reaction to the characters in Concord was the exact opposite - that they were ugly dollar-store rip-offs of GotG that were 5 years out of date. It was history for Concord right then and there.

Not focus testing the character designs, or not focus testing them with the correct audience is the biggest marketing miss by Sony here, imo.
The way dring snuck in NES roms and comparing it to these two bombs is crazy 😭🙏.

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His Nintendo take are always entertaining. He always finds a way to top himself each time.

I don't even know what to say about this.
Codename Steam maybe? Though that was a single player at least
Nowhere near. A niche SRPG on 3DS vs a live service game in development for 8 years. Code name Steam was no worse than any other Nintendo portable game that didn’t really take off, like Ever Oasis, Sushi Striker or Steel Diver, the difference in budget and difference in effect on the studio would be monumental. The CNS budget is something Intelligent Systems could write off in a heartbeat as a small project that just didn’t work out just before FE Fates, the studio’s next ‘big’ 3DS title, launched. Disappointing, yes. But comparable to Corncord? Not so much.
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Imagine comparing a couple of NES roms to a 100-150 million dollars game. Not only that but NWC might have sold 10 times what Concord have. Absolute pathetic tweet.
per Famitsu, NWC's first week sales (just physical, just in Japan) were slightly more than what Concord was estimated to have sold (27,000-ish vs 25,000-ish)

And that's on almost definitely an absolute fraction of the budget and development time
Wow this is insane. Honestly I just feel bad for the team behind the game, must be a terrible situation for them.
Sucks that they kinda shit the bed with this. Hope Sony are doing a serious walk back on the GAAS initiative.
If I recall, Evolve was sitting at about 24k players when it was considered a failure and went F2P. Concord on Steam had 600 at its peak.
Easily one of the least successful games ever made.
Can only hope stuff like that finally hammers home that we don't need every company to immediately drop everything and make their own Popular Genre game.
Eight years of hard work in smoke. All because some clueless executive saw Overwatch 8 years ago and went "this is making a lot of money so let's copy it so we can make a lot of money too lol 🤑 🤑 🤑 get to work peons".
Sucks that they kinda shit the bed with this. Hope Sony are doing a serious walk back on the GAAS initiative.

Kinda hard, when you had the sigma king Jim Ryan ordering about 12 live services titles that are middle in development and has probably wasted a lot of Sony money.

They already did, just in less than 12 months we've got:

-Factions cancelled.
-London Studio closed, the last thing they were working on was an online title.
-Twisted Metal Project got tossed around from Lucid Games to Firesprite but never got into full production.
-Spider-Man MP game(Although, from what I gathered from the Insomniac leak, it was barely more than a pitch before it got canned)

I'm sure some were cancelled before we know their existence, so what's left?

We know of
The Monster Hunter-like Horizon MP project

Maybe one or two more games?
If a major publisher was going to ask for my advice on building the next big F2P shooter, I'd say the same thing I was saying a decade ago:
Get a couple of smaller teams making lower-budget experimental shooters in F2P early access on PS and PC (crossplay) with a focus on appealing character designs or a unique aesthetic. Push these games on your main socials. If the gameplay idea sticks with the audience, and you see the player count starting to grow organically - that's when you immediately funnel money into the project. That's when you wrap up the other projects and get 100 animators and texturers and marketers etc and add them to the team.

What you don't do is Concord - spending 8 years and 150m+ on a gameplay idea and character designs that you don't KNOW will hit. The audience is too fickle, the ocean is too red.

Or just do the normal thing and take a beloved single player franchise and make it open world. That shit works EVERY time.
Clearly Dring was trying to make a point about everyone having bombs, but Nintendo hasn't really had one in 2024, so he picked the "least successful"
Yeah, I get the ‘pointing and laughing at failures on platforms you don’t have is just console wars’. It’s true, that stuff is tedious, this is a disaster for hundreds of developers that worked on it for a large portion of their careers so far and now likely face uncertainty and redundancies. Hobbyists can discuss how it happened without gloating.

But the Nintendo comparison is a bit clumsy when they don’t really have high profile disasters on a new IP on anywhere near the same kind of budget.
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