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StarTopic Unicorn Overlord |ST| Tactical Fantasy Rebirth

Just did a side quest that made me hate Virginia sooooo much.

It’s good character drama, but she straight up fucked the party composition of FOUR units. I hate that girl.
On the other hand, I noticed that Virginia and her knights make a perfect unit on their own. You’ve got a flight option for movement if you need it, Virginia herself is a solid frontline all-rounder, youve then got a hammer user plus a rune knight for magic defence and healing. I left them as-is after that, and just added a foot knight to the squad. They also get some fun supports too!

What I’ve started doing is sticking with infantry as leaders as they get 6 stamina, or cavalry that get 5, but swapping to a flying leader (stamina 4) should they encounter difficult or impassable terrain or if I want to send them off on a long trip over mountains or water to seize a watchtower ahead of my main advance. As you can swap the formation leader mid-battle.
Really liking the game but sometimes I have to pause it to just sigh at my screen


literally this:

I’ve just reached this battle before stopping play in my last session, and equally have chosen to take them all on :D

I’ve also maxed out Renown (but aren’t strong enough to quite claim the reward for it yet). I like that the choice between spending honours on promoting units or expanding formations is still making me consider each decision, especially when there’s so many cool characters now.

While the gameplay loop has pretty much become very clear at this point, I’m 30 hours in and still really enjoying it. New characters and items with new abilities, plus old characters gaining new ones as they promote and level up, means there’s always something to tinker with. I spent nearly an hour just rearranging equipment and accessories on the army last night as I’d just pretty randomly handed stuff out as I acquired it, but the force is so much stronger for me having sat everyone down and reequipping them from scratch. Especially now that promoted characters have an extra accessory slot.
Yeah, I also maxed out renown and was excited to claim the reward – only to find out it's pretty much an endgame activity. Oh, well. I have promoted all the characters (barring two or three I'm not currently using because I ran out of space), so all that's left is upgrading all units to hold five characters, and then I'll never need Honors ever again.

At this point though, I've decided to put the game on hold for a bit and play something else in the meantime for variety. I'm still having fun, but I can see myself burning out at some point within the next 10 hours of game time if I don't mix it up for a bit.
Yeah, I also maxed out renown and was excited to claim the reward – only to find out it's pretty much an endgame activity. Oh, well. I have promoted all the characters (barring two or three I'm not currently using because I ran out of space), so all that's left is upgrading all units to hold five characters, and then I'll never need Honors ever again.

At this point though, I've decided to put the game on hold for a bit and play something else in the meantime for variety. I'm still having fun, but I can see myself burning out at some point within the next 10 hours of game time if I don't mix it up for a bit.
I managed to get the reward at level 33… with Virginia’s knight squad. Who somehow could do more damage to the enemy. I saw Alain was a sliver off completing it on the preview of my second attempt, and cycled through my other units anyway, not expecting anyone to do it- but the Rose Knights could! I expect as they are a fairly balanced unit. What was funny was it was treated as ‘clearly you, Alain are strong enough blah blah blah’ when all he did was send in his best bunch of killers :)
I feel like I'm being slow, I'm at 55 hours played and I'm only level ~20 and in the middle of Elheim...
I wouldn’t worry if you’re enjoying it :)

I’m at about 43 hours and on the west side of the northern continent, perhaps about 3/4 of the way through up there. I did fight my way up the ranking in the arena, did some mining to fix bridges and completed every sidequest I came across, but on the other hand I’m not grinding either. I’m surprised at just how much there is to do that doesn’t feel like filler. The offline arena battles are definitely worth finishing, there’s a fun battle upon reaching the top, I did that just now at level 33 vs a level 40 enemy, but my main squad was all promoted and with good weapons etc.
I wouldn’t worry if you’re enjoying it :)

I’m at about 43 hours and on the west side of the northern continent, perhaps about 3/4 of the way through up there. I did fight my way up the ranking in the arena, did some mining to fix bridges and completed every sidequest I came across, but on the other hand I’m not grinding either. I’m surprised at just how much there is to do that doesn’t feel like filler. The offline arena battles are definitely worth finishing, there’s a fun battle upon reaching the top, I did that just now at level 33 vs a level 40 enemy, but my main squad was all promoted and with good weapons etc.
I am! I'm not grinding or repeating anything, but I am doing literally every possible thing I can in level order. Building up all towns to their star rank to station a guard, all sidequests, etc.

One thing that's putting an interesting wrinkle into my tactics is gaining the level 20 abilities: Since a lot of them require 2 AP to use, you have to start really thinking about when to use them and how and if they're better than just having two uses of single AP abilities. On one hand I like that, but on the other it makes me really want more of the +1 AP accessory :p
Really liking the game but sometimes I have to pause it to just sigh at my screen


literally this:

Yeah, it’s all very silly. There’s a great strategy game there, interrupted in every story scene by every major female NPC parading around in their underwear because reasons. What was particularly silly was one NPC enemy commander, literally stationed in a blizzard in the frozen north, who was yet another generic sexy witch wandering around in a bra and pants while complaining how cold it was in a cut scene. I was thinking ‘you know, you are the boss, you could just requisition some clothes from the supply train’.

It’s not even like the story is particularly good or anything Fire Emblem or Shining Force etc hasn’t done a dozen times before. I’ve just started skipping the cut scenes.
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Yeah, it’s all very silly. There’s a great strategy game there, interrupted in every story scene by every major female NPC parading around in their underwear because reasons. What was particularly silly was the NPC enemy commander up north who is yet another sexy witch wandering around in a bra and pants who was complaining how cold it was. I was thinking ‘you know, you are the boss, you could just requisition some clothes from the supply train’.

It’s not even like the story is particularly good or anything Fire Emblem or Shining Force etc hasn’t done a dozen times before. I’ve just started skipping the cut scenes.
Skipping... cutscenes?! Blasphemy!

Kidding, you do you. But my brain would never let me skip a cutscene in a million years, in any game. Just feels wrong
Skipping... cutscenes?! Blasphemy!

Kidding, you do you. But my brain would never let me skip a cutscene in a million years, in any game. Just feels wrong
To be fair I watch them if I’m curious as to what’s going on, which is more likely to be the side quests. But where it’s just ‘blah blah mind control’ and ‘I’m no longer mind controlled and feel so guilty!’ And ‘Why not join us? Mild joke. Sensible chuckle from everyone’ I don’t feel like I’m missing too much :)

I’ve found most of the rapport conversations to be pretty dull too, but there’s a few gems in there.
Finished up at a shade under 50 hours. Final battle was good, baddies still had a trick or two up their sleeve which was cool

Spoilers for S rank renown. I like that levels are just a suggestion in this game, I managed to clear out out the arena at roughly level 24 too. I still have a few battles left but I'm a little burned out, in retrospect I do kind of think the game is a little bit too easy and needed a few more tricky battles. Granted using the charge skills is super cheesy.
I think the only unit I didn’t recruit was
the guy experimenting on both his living and dead townsfolk in order to find a cure for a plague. Like, I’m pretty fast and loose with recruiting bandit leaders (not like a revolution can be choosy and keep its hands clean on recruiting mercs with dodgy pasts) and enemy generals, but they tend to all have some kind of sob story. But I draw the line at ‘I was experimenting on my own people to reach this goal after my wife died’, no matter how much their generic NPC minion thought it was essential. Turns out it wasn’t.
I think the only unit I didn’t recruit was
the guy experimenting on both his living and dead townsfolk in order to find a cure for a plague. Like, I’m pretty fast and loose with recruiting bandit leaders (not like a revolution can be choosy and keep its hands clean on recruiting mercs with dodgy pasts) and enemy generals, but they tend to all have some kind of sob story. But I draw the line at ‘I was experimenting on my own people to reach this goal after my wife died’, no matter how much their generic NPC minion thought it was essential. Turns out it wasn’t.
Wait I'm confused, wasn't the recruit from that mission the cleric Tatiana? Pretty sure you have no choice but to kill the lord but then you can recruit their assistant Tatiana who joins you out of...spite?

Unless there are multiple lords doing plague experiments
Wait I'm confused, wasn't the recruit from that mission the cleric Tatiana? Pretty sure you have no choice but to kill the lord but then you can recruit their assistant Tatiana who joins you out of...spite?

Unless there are multiple lords doing plague experiments
That’s the one- I didn’t know which one gets recruited as
I declined to continue the research. Ah well. Can’t say I’d have wanted her on board anyway
Really liking the game but sometimes I have to pause it to just sigh at my screen


literally this:

Yep. It's embarrassing and I wish it would stop being a thing in games. I feel like I don't want to dock the Switch playing this game and have it on display on the TV.
I had to delay starting this to finish FF7 Rebirth and since then have been largely too distracted by playing the game to post in here, cause damn

It's fun. I finished Drakenhold today and am about to head into Elheim. Spending time tinkering with formations, equipment, and leaders is so much fun
(Finally) finished the game today, really enjoyed it. I think I spend 75% of my playtime in menus and loved every second of it.

Wish Vanillaware was more classy about some of these character designs because the backgrounds, animations, and a lot of the units do look really good as per usual with their games but then the bad designs stand out even more.
Time for Bastorias! I'm slowly maxing out my units to 5 units after promoting everyone I have. Maybe I should've gotten a few more units to 5 first...
Just finished the game! I liked it very much. Very rich map and full of characters. It could get some things better here and there but the game in general is a very nice experience and you can see the developers' care behind it.
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The big Bastoria map fight kicked my butt several times lol. All my previous strategies went out the window and I had to improvise on the fly, not to mention the longer the fight dragged on the worse it was. But I am glad that challenged arrived, I was getting by pretty good in the previous maps.
The big Bastoria map fight kicked my butt several times lol. All my previous strategies went out the window and I had to improvise on the fly, not to mention the longer the fight dragged on the worse it was. But I am glad that challenged arrived, I was getting by pretty good in the previous maps.
I haven't been any any serious danger just yet, but yeah I'm taken aback by my teams just not being set up to survive up here. I gotta tinker
Those enemy bear units are no joke, Bastorias is also where I felt the difficulty go up a notch
Man arriving to Bastorias in Unicorn Overlord is a wake up call. Wolf and Fox Bestral units are fucking savage.

I ended up going against the popular opinion and focused on maximizing unit size instead of promoting. Were it not for the fact that I think I found the perfect unit composition for Alain, I’d have game over’d plenty of times already.
I'm heading into the finale now, 80+ hours in. I blazed through the last country much faster than the one preceding it, mostly because the difficulty jump wasn't anywhere near as steep. Purely based on levels (which I don't think are an exact science in the game anyway), I was slightly overleveled for most of Drakenhold and Elheim, yet ended up underleveled throughout all of Bastorias only for it to even out eventually in Albion. I didn't change my playing habits throughout, so I have no idea. Maybe it's just intentional, since the batch of characters you get in Bastorias (save one...) are some of the strongest units in the game. In any case, man, I'm still having a great time. Completing one of the last few fights surprised me in the results screen. I saw I had a time limit of 4 minutes. I completed it in 20 seconds.

I appreciate the more basic story, since I haven't played a new srpg that didn't play to the extremes of quality in a bit. Something simple works. And I quite like that there are a few weird worldbuilding and storytelling twists placed generously throughout. I know Vanillaware isn't a sequel type of house, but damn if I wouldn't love this to be a loose anthology series like Fire Emblem.
105 hours in I’ve finally done everything that Unicorn Overlord has available except the final mission, the extra Coliseum challenges, and whatever post game there is. And I’m honestly feeling a bit sad that we’re reaching the end.

How long is the final mission? These chapters have been getting longer and longer, thanks in large part to the added complexity of five-man units. The side quest where you had to fight two armies at the same time took me, no joke, four hours, although admittedly I never skip animations. Depending on how meaty the last mission is, I might have to wait until next weekend to finish it.
This game feels like a lost PlayStation golden era RPG. I've always been a huge admirer of Vanillaware's aesthetics and artwork, but rarely actually enjoyed playing the games due to not being a huge fan of the side scrolling hack and slash type games they put out. Muramasa being an exception more so because it released at a time in my life where it hit me hard.

I'm not even a moderate fan of RTS because I'm easily distracted... But they've got that remedied with the pause option, which let's even someone as inept as me plan ahead, and with multiple units simultaneously no less! Color me impressed, wasn't expecting to put five hours into this the day I picked it up, but sure enough. I'm still extremely early in the story, I believe the next thing on the agenda is to rescue a witch's grandma? It's the first mission I've failed due to not paying attention and letting said witch die with no way to revive her. The boss of that stage just walls everything non magickal. ._____.
105 hours in I’ve finally done everything that Unicorn Overlord has available except the final mission, the extra Coliseum challenges, and whatever post game there is. And I’m honestly feeling a bit sad that we’re reaching the end.

How long is the final mission? These chapters have been getting longer and longer, thanks in large part to the added complexity of five-man units. The side quest where you had to fight two armies at the same time took me, no joke, four hours, although admittedly I never skip animations. Depending on how meaty the last mission is, I might have to wait until next weekend to finish it.
It’s fairly long and has multiple phases (although the first is the longest part of it), plus the credits are very long too. I’d put aside a couple of hours for it
Man, Bastorias enemies are starting to kick my squad butt's. Guess i need some re-arrangement of squads, skills and equipment (and skills coming from equipment),
Man, Bastorias enemies are starting to kick my squad butt's. Guess i need some re-arrangement of squads, skills and equipment (and skills coming from equipment),
They have a lot of angels, so I made sure my main squads all had archers and a few of the shields with the anti-flier ability (Angel-breaker?) spread around too
Ah sorry, I have a terrible memory for fantasy names :D

It's actually really easy:

A stands for Albion, with the Angels (Lot's of A)
B stands for Bastorias, with the Beastren (Lot's of B)
C stands for Cornia, with the Common people and their Champion Alain (Lot's of C)
D stands for Drakenhold, with the many Dragon shit and Drake Riders
E stands for Elheim, with the Elves

and Z stands for Zenoira, and they're the last because they suck.

If this was Spongebob, it would've been a song.
Caught this on sale for $40. Not sure when I’ll get around to it, but for that price I’m happy to pick it up a bit early.
Anyone has some good units tips? The fights in Bastorias are destroying me and I have pretty much anyone promoted, so I'm guessing I suck at building units
Truestrikers are your go-to for Werefoxes. Archers, snipers, anything that guarantees a hit. There’s a reason they give you Yunifi in this section of the game.

I did find Werewolves more annoying than actual menaces, but definitely get some legionnaires and other tanks ready to cover your true strikers.
Anyone has some good units tips? The fights in Bastorias are destroying me and I have pretty much anyone promoted, so I'm guessing I suck at building units
A really simple unit that basically deathballed through the whole game on hard for me was 3 cavs in the front row, radiant knight in the back, you can add Gilbert if you have him to make it even better. Wasn't really anything outside of some specific flier unit or (sometimes) thief units that could really beat it. I never changed it and I managed to clear the entire arena with that setup at like level 25, which is pretty funny because you unlock a level 40 unit at the end.

Yunifi in particular is also really, really overpowered (as are most of the unique units), there's a lot of setups that work for her.

Also, the cat heared hood items are very game breaking and allow you to trivialize a lot of enemy units too when paired with charge attacks (like Yunifi's glacial rain move, trinity rain, dragoon dive, etc)
Anyone has some good units tips? The fights in Bastorias are destroying me and I have pretty much anyone promoted, so I'm guessing I suck at building units
The most simple, but reliable unit I had was Alain and Morard in the front, Berenice, Auch, and Tatiana in the back. For the backrow, other units/mercs would also work. If you find you have front row characters dying frequently, I highly recommend giving your backrow healer grave impetus, ressurection, and extra PP. This worked a vast majority of the time on Expert, though bad RNG can still happen and this team does have bad matchups.

Also I wouldn't feel too bad, Bastorias is designed to be a wakeup call/difficulty jump, it seems like. Just reassess your units, and you'll be good
Beat the game today - a real good one! Ran perfectly while also being one of the prettiest games on the system - Absolutely going to be one of my top games of the year when it's all said and done.

Clive and Alain, probably my MVP's

Clocked in at 46 hours at normal difficulty. Did the majority of the quests but missed out on a few treasures and didnt bother with many of the sigils either.
Crazy to find out that this game was originally supposed to launch on vita and ps4 only.
It's not that crazy, this game has been in development for 10 years and during that time Vanillaware was solely focused on the Vita and PS4. Even 13 Sentinels was supposed to come to the Vita until Atlus pulled the plug on that version.

So glad that Vanillaware has found success on the Switch cause for me nothing beats portable Vanillaware.
It's not that crazy, this game has been in development for 10 years and during that time Vanillaware was solely focused on the Vita and PS4. Even 13 Sentinels was supposed to come to the Vita until Atlus pulled the plug on that version.

So glad that Vanillaware has found success on the Switch cause for me nothing beats portable Vanillaware.

It is crazy in the sense had they skipped making a Switch version, chances are that it wouldn't have sold even a third of what it has achieved so far.
I was really excited when I saw this game revealed on the direct (plus the news of a demo in another one)
I'm sure Vanillaware isn't going to ignore a Nintendo release from now on.
I hope Vanillaware (and Atlus or whoever will publish their stuff in the future) understands that their games need to be on a Nintendo system simply for Japan/Asia alone.

It would be nice if they could grow to the point to also support PC, but that's a thing for the future. First it would be great if they could develop games without almost bankrupting themselvses.
At this point though, I've decided to put the game on hold for a bit and play something else in the meantime for variety. I'm still having fun, but I can see myself burning out at some point within the next 10 hours of game time if I don't mix it up for a bit.
So I've put the game on hold for a while there, but I have returned to it recently. I have picked up where I left off, halfway through Bastorias, and over the last few days I've pushed through until right to what I assume is the climax in Albion. I do feel like the game is running risk of outstaying its welcome if it doesn't wrap up soon, but at the same time there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of it left judging by the world map, so it might turn out just fine.

Combat, music, art – they are all still excellent. But despite having them done diligently up until now, I feel like leaving the mop up of side activities like treasure hunts, heart to hearts, etc. for postgame in favor of fast tracking story completion.
I finished the game. Don't think I'll do any of the post-game, but I pretty well 100%-ed up until the credits.

I had a fun time, but the story is a little droll. Just kind of there, maybe to the point it drags it down a little. My wife liked to make fun of how hunky-dory "my enemy is now my friend" Alain was in every post-battle cut scene.

The gameplay was really solid throughout. I really enjoyed the short battles being mixed in and well paced. The final battle was appropriately epic in length, but The final couple enemies were outrageously challenging compared to everything else. I got through though, so I guess it's hard to complain. None of my set-ups (which had been sweeping through things) were especially effective though, so I basically had to stuff a couple teams fully of hot cross buns and have them kill everyone/everything. Doesn't help I didn't notice the heavy healing one enemy gets after each battle right away.

The marriage aspect seemed gratuitous, but also kind of fun given some of the more out there options. I didn't put anything extra into it to grind out relationship points, so only paired Alain with Celeste, and then later went back to see how it was different with Travis. A little impressed they have unique scenes for everyone.

Definitely enjoyed the core gameplay above everything else, to the point that my favorite parts were the colliseum and the tomb battles. I enjoyed making teams based mostly on vibes, and then sticking with them, and just trying to work with what I had (so no swapping characters around). This made the battles into nice little puzzles. Folks who are averse to menuing will definitely not like it though.

Overall, really glad the game exists, and hope that it meets vanillaware and Atlus' expectations! We need games that are trying to fill in different genres and gameplay styles to continue to have solid budgets.

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