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Fun Club Recommend a movie to fall asleep to


Is this a jelly-filled doughnut? 🍙
The premise is simple.

You know how sometimes you get sick, don't sleep all that well, and need something to distract yourself from your general discomfort that somehow always tends to get more unbearable the longer the day goes on until you finally fall asleep? This is the thread to solve that problem once and for all.

You can recommend a good movie. You can recommend a bad movie. You can recommend a weird movie, or a cosy movie. You can recommend a funny, or a scary movie. Or even a movie that somehow manages to check all those boxes simultaneously. As long as it is available on a streaming platform near you, you can recommend it.

You might even do the unspeakable and recommend a TV series instead. Or a documentary.

And I might just watch it.
I might get crucified for this but Blade Runner (1982) is the first one that comes to mind. Fantastic movie! It also has a very unique, dream-like vibe that has made me doze off in the middle both time I've watched it. I wasn't even feeling sleepy before I started, either time.
When I was about 16 years old, I did a school project that required watching "2001: A Space Odyssey", man, it took me 3 days to be able to watch the entire film, and to this day I've never been able to watch it completely in one round.
When I was about 16 years old, I did a school project that required watching "2001: A Space Odyssey", man, it took me 3 days to be able to watch the entire film, and to this day I've never been able to watch it completely in one round.
I'll have you know that I have been watching that movie in one sitting multiple times, and I would do it again!

I might get crucified for this but Blade Runner (1982) is the first one that comes to mind. Fantastic movie! It also has a very unique, dream-like vibe that has made me doze off in the middle both time I've watched it. I wasn't even feeling sleepy before I started, either time.
Now this one I have somehow actually never seen – don't ask how, I don't know either. So I think I'll give it a go.

Edit: I just remembered I have a contribution of my own. I've been watching Joker recently, and I am not ashamed to admit that I managed to fall asleep halfway through. I was very, very tired.
David Lynch's Dune can be the other movie in this sleepy sci-fi classics trilogy with 2001 and Blade Runner.
David Lynch's Dune can be the other movie in this sleepy sci-fi classics trilogy with 2001 and Blade Runner.
Good call, I still need to watch this one as well, and it's even included in my prime video sub.
I have two young kids, so I can fall asleep to ANY movie. It’s a super power.

I might get crucified for this but Blade Runner (1982) is the first one that comes to mind. Fantastic movie! It also has a very unique, dream-like vibe that has made me doze off in the middle both time I've watched it. I wasn't even feeling sleepy before I started, either time.
It’s true. The first time I saw Blade Runner, I fell asleep.
I have two young kids, so I can fall asleep to ANY movie. It’s a super power.

It’s true. The first time I saw Blade Runner, I fell asleep.
The first time I was watching it with my best friend and we were both huddled up in a blanket, comfy on the couch, and we both dozed off during the same part. From what they told me, they've also never succeeded at watching it without falling asleep.
Alright, I only have access to the Final Cut version, but I am left with no other choice than watching Blade Runner after those glowing endorsements.

Will watch Dune tomorrow.
if you have access to kanopy (and if you have a library card in many jurisdictions of many different countries there's a good chance you do), I recommend:
Long Day's Journey Into Night (a lovely, dreamy film with an all-time great long take)
Cemetery of Splendor (a movie about sleep, among other things)
City Hall (a perfect & long documentary)

i know you're probably looking for stuff on normal streaming services so sorry for only suggesting The Weird One—those first two might be findable elsewhere too, I know Cemetery of Splendor at least has been on Netflix in the past. they're all great snoozers! most of my favorite movies are snoozable though tbh—I can probably come up with something else if none of those are accessible
i know you're probably looking for stuff on normal streaming services so sorry for only suggesting The Weird One
Not at all! I'll have to check out if our public library offers kanopy. Besides, suggestions don't necessarily have to be targeted specifically at me — I'd like to see others benefit from them as well!

@paranoodle, @Red Monster: As far as last night's experiment is concerned, I am happy to report that it is indeed impossible to watch Blade Runner without dozing off. Fell asleep about halfway through. 10/10, would fall asleep again.
Quick update on the Dune situation: it worked! Thanks, @smoothies!

Some more suggestions of mine; I've fallen asleep watching all of those recently:
  • See (TV series, AppleTV+)
  • Foundation (TV series, Apple TV+)
  • Ted Lasso (TV series, AppleTV+)
  • Rings of Power (TV series, Prime Video)
  • for my German speaking fami, pretty much any episode of Tatort (TV series, Das Erste)
When I was a preteen with insomnia the only thing I could fall asleep to was Power Rangers. So, I don't know, Power Rangers the Movie?
Contact, that Jodie Foster movie from 1997.

So boring, i not only fell asleep while in the cinema, i also fell asleep while trying to watch it when it aired on TV one day after it's cinema run.

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